Supporting your student life
We’re here to help you succeed and make the most of your student life. Our free, impartial and confidential support services are based in the Centre for Student Life, an iconic building at the heart of the Cathays Park Campus.
Our Centre for Student Life is our one-stop hub for all of your student needs. Whether you’re looking for advice on health and wellbeing, preparing for your future, managing money or living in Cardiff, our expert, dedicated support staff will be on hand to support you. We’re here to help you succeed and make the most of your student life.
Your Student Connect team who are based in the Centre for Student Life are your first point of contact for connecting you to your Student Life teams.
We’ve also developed 24-hour online services and extended opening hours so all of our students, including those based at Heath Park, our distance learners and all those on placement or study abroad, can access the help they need, whenever they need it.
Student Futures
We can help you map out your future and prepare for life after university. Our free Student Futures service is available to every student, including those studying postgraduate taught and postgraduate research degrees.
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Follow us on Instagram to keep up to date with what’s on in the Centre for Student Life: @cu_centreforstudentlife