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Flipping the classroom

About this topic

A ‘Flipped Classroom’ approach is a great way to provide students with an Active Learning opportunity.

Active Learning is fundamental to the way we teach in Higher Education: engaging students in finding information and then developing their understanding of that material. It is key to deepening understanding of the subject and developing independent learners.

A traditional instructor-centred session like a lecture involves the delivery of core information during class time, followed by student-centred activities to be done after class. Flipped Classroom approaches involve inverting (or ‘flipping’) the order of these activities. The core information is now acquired by the student prior to the face-to-face contact session. The students can then use the contact time to deepen and reinforce that learning and gain a more holistic understanding of the subject.

Flipped approaches can free the lecturer to be able to be more spontaneous and responsive to the needs of the class and avoid - in subjects where this may happen - merely delivering the same material year on year. The contact time can focus on material students struggle with: applying understanding to problem solving or analytical approaches, understanding areas that can be developed, or providing further background and expanding knowledge.

Flipped learning requires a choice by the tutor of the medium through which to deliver the core material, and this is most commonly achieved through the use of video. The Panopto-based ‘Learn Plus’ facility for lecturers should facilitate this medium for preparing teaching material. However other media are also used, such as written, online, audio or other visual sources. The range of activities to be undertaken during the live sessions is endless, but all should engage the students in an active task and not be another session focused on delivery of further basic content/information.

This topic showcases areas where the ‘Flipped Classroom’ has been successful across the University with different approaches, media and ways of engaging students in the live ‘lecture’ sessions being highlighted. The approach fits with our aim to engage students as active participants, provide an enriched and innovative learning environment, and use the appropriate technology to support learning and teaching.

Case Studies

Transformation to “Experiential Learning”, a case study

Dr Vicki Stevenson

Published 26 Jan 2024 • 7 minutes read

Dr Vicki Stevenson, of Cardiff University's Welsh School of Architecture presents at the 2019 Learning & Teaching Conference, hosted by the CESI, a case study on: Transformation to “Experiential Learning”


Ways of learning | Flipping the classroom | Facilitating group work | Small group teaching | Large group teaching | Delivering lectures |

Recommendations icon3 recommendations

An A-Z of Learning Technology

Allan Theophanides

Published 22 Jul 2021 • 8 mins read

This extended Pecha Kucha presentation from the 2021 Learning and Teaching Conference introduces 26 Learning Technology and Digital Education tips and tools to help with workload planning, teaching or enhancing the student digital learning experience


Ways of learning | Digital & Information Literacy | Designing for distance learners | Flipping the classroom | Delivering blended programmes |

Recommendations icon0 recommendations

Flipping the Classroom - Video Case Study

Dr Stephen Rutherford

Published 17 Feb 2017 • 5 minutes read

A short case study from Dr Rutherford outlining his experiences of 'flipping the classroom' within his modules.


Flipping the classroom | Delivering lectures |

Recommendations icon3 recommendations

The online flipped classroom in interprofessional learning

Dr Anna Sydor and Dr Dominic Roche

Published 23 Jul 2021 • 7 mins read

This Pecha Kucha presentation from the 2021 Learning & Teaching Conference explains how they have designed a healthcare postgraduate module using a flipped classroom model approach, in which students are provided with all the learning materials at


Ways of learning | Flipping the classroom | Delivering blended programmes | Facilitating group work |

Recommendations icon1 recommendations

Developing student experience and learning through outreach

Glesni Owen and Tallulah Machin

Published 16 Jan 2020 • 14 mins read

The MFL Student Mentoring Project sends UG students into secondary schools to mentor pupils. This video explores how the scheme impacts upon the student experience, enriching their understanding and learning across their studies.


Ways of learning | Flipping the classroom | Mentoring |

Recommendations icon0 recommendations

A Flipped Classroom Approach to Teaching Integrated Anatomy and Hands-On Physiotherapy Skills

Sue Annetts, Stephen Dando & Richard Rudling-Smith

Published 22 Jul 2021 • 15 mins read

This presentation from the 2021 Learning & Teaching Conference introduces the approach taken within the School of Healthcare Sciences to teach anatomy integrated with hands-on physiotherapy skills using a flipped classroom approach, whereby students


Ways of learning | Designing for distance learners | Flipping the classroom | Delivering blended programmes | Small group teaching |

Recommendations icon0 recommendations

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