Digital and Information Literacy
About this topic
Digital and information literacies support students’ transition through higher education and into the workplace, enabling them to find, organise, analyse, evaluate, communicate, present and share information effectively.
There are a range of definitions and frameworks of information and digital literacy which help us to understand the knowledge, skills and practices students need to develop to become information and digitally literate. These include the Association of College and Research Libraries Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education, A New Curriculum for Information Literacy, JISC’s Digital Capability Framework and the Digidol Learning Literacies Framework.
Our library service has drawn from some of these to develop a bespoke information literacy framework which guides subject librarians’ thinking and teaching around the concept.
Information and digital literacies are important to employability, and they underpin critical thinking and research-led learning and teaching. They enable us to:
- meet the challenges arising from the proliferation of information.
- reap the benefits of technology in our everyday working life.
- understand how information is produced, shared and communicated and to make appropriate selections to suit the context in which it is to be used
- use information in a way which gives due recognition to its owner through appropriate acknowledgement and respect of copyright.
Information and digital literacy are important in all disciplines and at all levels of study. This topic explores how they might be developed within the context of the academic curriculum, affiliated with their own subject, and included in assessment.
For example, subject librarians in our library service collaborate with academic colleagues in the Schools to integrate information literacy into programmes of study and tailor methods of delivery to suit the requirements of each discipline. They also provide instruction embedded within courses such as hands-on workshops for large and small groups, demonstrations, lectures and tutorials.
Case Studies
Pod JOMEC Cymraeg
Sian Lloyd and Andrew Weeks
Published 23 Jul 2021 • 15 mins read
In this presentation from the 2021 Learning & Teaching Conference the Pod JOMEC Cymraeg team discuss their series of podcasts and the process of producing and commissioning, developing digital skills and developing skills for the workplace
Ways of learning | Digital & Information Literacy | Enterprise & Employability | Engaging with student feedback |An A-Z of Learning Technology
Allan Theophanides
Published 22 Jul 2021 • 8 mins read
This extended Pecha Kucha presentation from the 2021 Learning and Teaching Conference introduces 26 Learning Technology and Digital Education tips and tools to help with workload planning, teaching or enhancing the student digital learning experience
Ways of learning | Digital & Information Literacy | Designing for distance learners | Flipping the classroom | Delivering blended programmes |Engaging students with popplet as a visual map of language learning
Dr Sian Edwards
Published 22 Jul 2021 • 15 mins read
This presentation from the 2021 Learning & Teaching Conference talks about a project called Additive Multilingualism brought to life. It involves using popplet as a visual mind mapping tool to engage students in exploring cognitive approaches to
Ways of learning | Digital & Information Literacy | Designing for distance learners | Engaging with student feedback |Even better than the real thing? Developing online learning experiences and communities
Professor Ann Taylor and Neil Mosley
Published 16 Jan 2020 • 15 mins read
In this talk Professor Ann Taylor and Neil Mosley draw on their experiences of designing and delivering online learning courses and programmes. They explore ways to deliver educational outcomes and consider how to make online learning active and
Ways of learning | Digital & Information Literacy | Designing for distance learners |ViewfindR: Developing a VLE to impart visualisation and camerawork skills in virtual environments
Dr Savyasaachi Jain and Dr Daniel Finnegan
Published 21 Jul 2021 • 15 mins read
This presentation from the 2021 Learning & Teaching Conference explains how an interdisciplinary team from the Schools of Journalism and Computer Science came together last year to produce and test a prototype for a virtual learning environment in
Ways of learning | Digital & Information Literacy | Designing for distance learners | Delivering blended programmes |Levelling the virtual playing field: The School of Medicine's Digital Education initiatives to support students and staff
Dr Athanasios Hassoulas
Published 22 Jul 2021 • 8 mins read
This presentation from the 2021 Learning and Teaching Conference gives an overview of the School of Medicine's Centre for Medical Education (C4ME) Digital Education Group initiatives aimed at supporting students and staff specifically with the
Ways of learning | Digital & Information Literacy | Designing for distance learners | Flipping the classroom | Delivering blended programmes |Contribute to the Learning Hub
The Learning Hub is designed by academics for academics and we would encourage you to share anything that supports, enhances or prompts reflection on teaching and learning here at Cardiff University.
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