Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Research collaboration and development

Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

We have a long established and successful track record of working with businesses.

Whether it's short-term focused work or longer term exploratory studies, our expertise and facilities can help you gain a competitive edge.

Work with us to benefit from:

  • chemistry expertise from nationally and internationally leading scientists
  • access to extensive research facilities and expert support
  • professional service levels through our Business Development team
  • significant financial, economic and societal returns for your research project.

Projects can also be focused around our student and postdoctoral researchers. We are experienced with Knowledge Transfer Partnerships, Technology Strategy Board and EU collaborations.

Our expertise

Learn about our research and the experts behind it by exploring our research:

Who we work with

Our partners range from local and national SMEs to some of the world's largest multinationals.

Acta SpaAstra-ZenecaAventis Pharma
AWE Hunting BRABASFBCB International
BPCogent PowerDow Chemical Company
Eckert & ZieglerEvonikExxonMobil
FujiFilmFujitisuGeneral Motors
G-VolutionGE HeatlhcareGlaxoSmithKline
HenkelInvistaJaguar-Land Rover
Johnson MattheyMolecular ProductsNeem Biotech
NovartisOptas LtdOxford Catalysts
Quest InternationalSABICSasol
ScaniaSeldon ResearchSolvay
World Gold Council 
Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)Defense Threat Reduction Agency (US)Diamond Light Source
National Defense AgencyNational Nuclear Laboratories (NNL)National Physical Laboratories (NPL)