Policies and procedures when applying to Cardiff University
If you are applying to Cardiff University, the following policies and procedures are relevant to you.
School curriculum reform
Qualifications in both England and Wales are changing, affecting GCSEs, A-level and the Welsh Baccalaureate. These changes may affect our entry requirements.
We welcome applications from all students with the potential to succeed at this University. We are seeking to admit students whose potential to benefit from our research-led learning and teaching can be demonstrated through a range of qualifications and achievements.
Find out more about our admissions policies.
Qualification acceptance
Applications from those offering alternative qualifications are welcome, as are those who may have combinations of qualifications or other relevant work/life experience.
Get more information about qualifications
Feedback to unsuccessful applicants
We aim to provide unsuccessful applicants with the opportunity to receive appropriate feedback about their applications. Applicants may request feedback about the initial selection decision communicated to them by the University.
Learn more about provision of feedback
Applying for a DBS check
Some of our University programmes will require a DBS check before you are able to register.
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