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Past events 2022/23

Details of past events 2022/23 for PARC Institute of Manufacturing, Logistics and Inventory.

4th IMA and OR Society Conference on Mathematics of Operational Research

27-28 April 2023, Conference Aston, Birmingham

For more information please visit the IMA event website.

PARC delivers “Accelerate” training to DSV employees

January 2023

The PARC institute, in collaboration with DSV, designs and delivers purpose specific seminars, including on areas such as: Inventory forecasting, Route optimisation, Circular economy. The aim is to inform and educate relevant staff on the cutting-edge scientific developments on the subject areas and provide training towards their adoption. The seminars are designed and delivered by Professors Aris Syntetos, Emrah Demir, and Drs Dan Eyers and Thanos Goltsos, and other PARC collaborators.

GW4 Technology Workshop

Technology-Enabled Circularity: Digitalisation and Sustainability

December 2022

We are building a new community, drawing together scholars and industry practitioners interested in digitalisation and sustainability. The past decade has seen renewed interest both in more sustainable approaches to economic growth and in technological progress towards ‘Industry 4.0’. Sustainability is of critical importance to the climate change crisis, with academic focus including economic and social sustainability of manufacturing, food production and national and local resilience in the context of supply chain disruption.

Part of a series of interdisciplinary workshops, we are announcing a call for participants for our third workshop focused on Industry practices, innovations and aspirations this increasingly significant area. The event brings together leading scholars from across the sustainability and digital research areas with industry practitioners.

42nd International Symposium on Forecasting

July 2022 - Oxford, England

The International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF) is the premier forecasting conference, attracting the world’s leading forecasting researchers, practitioners, and students. Through a combination of keynote speaker presentations, academic sessions, workshops, and social programs, the ISF provides many excellent opportunities for networking, learning, and fun. The conference this year is co-sponsored by Cardiff Business School and attended by PARC’s Professor Aris Syntetos, Dr Thanos Goltsos, and Dr Bahman Rostami-Tabar.

Dr Bahman Rostami-Tabar, PARC contributor and chair of the Forecasting for Social Good (F4SG) section of the IIF, is organising a special workshop on “Forecasting for Social Good”.

21st International Symposium on Inventories

August 2022 - Budapest, Hungary

The International Society for Inventory Research (ISIR) organizes its 21st International Symposium on Inventories, the only scholarly forum in the world focusing directly on inventories. The professional objective of organizing this Symposium is to provide a forum for an international exchange of ideas on various aspects of inventories. Professor Aris Syntetos is chairing the inventory-forecasting section of the conference and this year we have an exciting list of presentations. Do join us if you can.

May 2022 - Quarterly Forecasting Forum of the International Institute of Forecasters (IIF)

The PARC Institute and Cardiff University were honoured and happy to host the latest quarterly meeting of the UK branch of the IIF, on Friday the 20th of May, 2022, in SPARK. The event featured presentations from IIF members including PARC’s Dr Thanos Goltsos on “Forecasting for lead-time period by temporal aggregation: Whether to combine and how”. The hybrid event was well attended and followed by an equally well attended social event at the Pen and Wig pub!