Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion ac erthyglau arbennig

Darllenwch y newyddion diweddaraf o bob rhan o'r ysgol neu mynnwch gip ar ein herthyglau arbennig.

CU graduate Joanna Natasegara and Orlando von Einsiedel at the 74th Annual Peabody Awards

Oscar i un o gynfyfyrwyr Prifysgol Caerdydd

27 Chwefror 2017

Joanna Natasegara yn ennill Gwobr Academi ar gyfer rhaglen ddogfen ynglŷn â Syria

Up the Revolution

10 Chwefror 2017

Leading historians from three capitals lead revolution-themed week in Russian Revolution centenary commemorations


Cost ddynol rhyfeloedd

10 Chwefror 2017

Astudiaeth newydd gan Gyngor Ymchwil y Celfyddydau a'r Dyniaethau yn ystyried atgofion o Ryfeloedd Cartref Lloegr a systemau elusen yn y cyfnod modern cynnar.

Book cover

Helping make the leap to higher study

6 Chwefror 2017

University’s inspiring history teaching shapes new guide for next generation of students

Professor Hans Beck

Distinguished Annual Lecture Series brings eminent ancient historian to Wales

31 Ionawr 2017

Renowned ancient historian Professor Hans Beck exchanges Canada for Cardiff to deliver Towards a Local History of Ancient Greece.

Inside of Mosque

Bwrw goleuni ar y tueddiadau cymdeithasol diweddaraf ymhlith Mwslimiaid

26 Ionawr 2017

Cyfres o seminarau cyhoeddus yn bwrw goleuni ar y materion a thestunau sy'n effeithio ar Fwslimiaid yn y DU

Henriques Scholarship 2017 announced

25 Ionawr 2017

Applications now open for two postgraduate scholarships for 2017/2018

Prestigious O'Donnell Lecture returns

10 Ionawr 2017

The University is proud to continue its long-held tradition of hosting this Celtic-themed public lecture series.

Japanese image

Japan: a Land of Beautiful Things

6 Ionawr 2017

Cardiff academic switches Celtic capitals to deliver talk at national museum and gallery.

Russian Revolution centenary marked with landmark talk

3 Ionawr 2017

A distinguished authority on the history of modern Russia is to deliver a major lecture at Cardiff University as part of Russian Revolution centenary commemorations across the city.