Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.

We recommend that you speak to a travel health specialist in advance of your trip.

You should consult them at least six months before you travel to the field centre to allow time to arrange the immunisations and medications you might need. We strongly recommend you are vaccinated against: 

  • typhoid
  • poliomyelitis
  • tetanus
  • diphtheria
  • hepatitis A.

Mosquitoes are present in large numbers all year round. We recommend you bring insect repellent along with appropriate clothing to wear at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are the most active. 

If you are particularly sensitive to insect bites, please bring your own antihistamine cream and tablets, as well as your own mosquito net.

You may also wish to bring your own medicines for common ailments such as diarrhoea, colds etc. 

Emergency health care on site

All permanent field staff are trained in first aid and search and rescue procedures. A field course risk presentation is provided to all students and you will be asked to sign appropriate waivers at the start of the field course.

In case of emergency, we travel by boat to the nearest village, Batu Putih, where a 4x4 vehicle is available for transportation. 

The nearest hospital is about 20 minute drive away in Kota Kinabatangan for minor intervention. 

For major intervention, the nearest hospital is in Sandakan, about 1 hour 30 minutes by car. 

Forest safety course

We work closely with a local company Fieldskills who run tropical forest safety courses for a fee. If you would like to undertake one of their courses then you must request this before you start your field course. 

Travel insurance and liability

We strongly recommended you take out a travel health insurance policy for the full duration of your trip. All expenses related to any health problem or accident that you might have during your visit will be your own responsibility. 

The Danau Girang Field Centre will not be liable for injury, damage or loss to person or property.