Tîm uwch reolwyr
Yr Athro Tim Edwards
Deon a Phennaeth yr YsgolAthro Dadansoddi Trefniadaeth ac Arloesi
Yr Athro Sarah Gilmore
Pennaeth Adran Rheoli, Cyflogaeth a ThrefniadaethAthro Astudiaethau Sefydliadol
Yr Athro Marco Hauptmeier
Athro Gwaith a Chyflogaeth, Pro Deon ar gyfer Astudiaethau Doethurol
Yr Athro Maneesh Kumar
Pro Deon ar gyfer Technoleg, Systemau a DataAthro mewn Gweithrediadau Gwasanaeth
Yr Athro Kul Luintel
Head of the Economics Section, Professor of Economics
Yr Athro Matthew Robson
Pennaeth Marchnata a StrategaethAthro Marchnata a Rheolaeth Ryngwladol
Yr Athro Vasco Sanchez Rodrigues
Pennaeth yr Adran Logisteg a Rheoli GweithrediadauAthro mewn Rheoli Cadwyn Gyflenwi Cynaliadwy
Yr Athro Qingwei Wang
Pennaeth Cyfrifeg a ChyllidAthro Cyllid
Yr Athro Yingli Wang
Pro-Dean ar gyfer Ymchwil, Effaith ac ArloesiAthro mewn Rheoli Logisteg a Gweithrediadau
Yr Athro Peter Wells
Professor of Business and Sustainability, Director of the Centre for Automotive Industry Research, Pro Dean Public Value