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Welsh language opportunities

An ability to speak Welsh can be very useful both during and once you have finished your course and have started your career within your particular professional field.

Whether you are already a Welsh speaker or just keen to learn, we can support the development of your Welsh language skills. We have Welsh speaking personal tutors – Welsh language tutors are happy to work bilingually too. You can also take written exams and assessments  in Welsh.

Where possible, you can work with Welsh speaking mentors during some of your placements and work with other Welsh speaking students on group assignments.

By 2016/17 our aim is to offer 40 credits through the medium of Welsh in some of our undergraduate courses. Students who apply to complete a third of their course through the medium of Welsh will be eligible to apply for a scholarship through the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol’s scholarship scheme. You can find out more about our Welsh language activities and opportunities by visiting the website for the Cardiff University Branch of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol.

We also signpost opportunities to learn Welsh from scratch via the University’s ‘Welsh for all’ scheme or other ways in which you can improve or maintain the Welsh language skills you already have. Please discuss these options with your personal tutor if you would like more information.

Please contact the Welsh language team for specific details of the Welsh/bilingual support available related to each programme:

Welsh Language Heathcare Team