
We offer a wide range of high quality undergraduate courses, leading to BMid, BN, and BSc qualifications.
Our courses are designed to provide you with the knowledge and experience you need to embark on a professional healthcare career. Great emphasis has been placed on the practical and clinical aspects of our programmes, all of which have been accredited by the relevant professional bodies. All of our programmes are NHS funded.
Where the programme involves clinical placements, an occupational health review, undertaken by the University, and including appropriate immunisations is required.

I really like the fact that the University Hospital of Wales is right next to Cardiff University, School of Healthcare Sciences. It gives you such a feeling, even from your first day, that you are a student nurse.
Please note: we are no longer recruiting to Operating Department Practice. From September 2022 the programme will be offered by University of South Wales in the South/South East, Swansea in the South West, and Wrexham Glyndwr in the North and we refer you to those Universities to pursue studies in Operating Department Practice in Wales.