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Postgraduate study

Develop your knowledge, deepen your understanding and enhance your skills with our postgraduate taught programmes and standalone modules.

Advanced Clinical Practitioner with nurse practitioner on ward

Postgraduate taught courses

We are a leading provider of postgraduate education for nursing, midwifery and allied health professionals. Containing a mix of contact sessions and self-directed learning, our postgraduate taught programmes benefit from the input of researchers and clinicians who are working at the frontiers of knowledge in their areas of expertise.

Our courses

Course Qualification Mode
Advanced Clinical Practice MSc Full time blended learning, Part time blended learning
Advanced Healthcare Practice MSc Full time, Part time
Independent/ Supplementary Prescribing PgCert Part time, Part time blended learning
Occupational Therapy MSc Full time, Part time
Physiotherapy MSc Full time, Part time
Pre-Registration Occupational Therapy MSc Full time
Pre-Registration Physiotherapy MSc Full time
Radiographic Reporting PgCert Part time
Radiography MSc Full time, Part time
Specialist Community Public Health Nursing MSc Full time blended learning, Part time blended learning
Sport and Exercise Physiotherapy MSc Full time, Part time

Standalone modules

Most of our modules are available on a standalone basis. A number of modules are shared across professions.

Some modules are profession specific and/or may require the student to be working in a specific clinical area whilst undertaking the module. Please contact the relevant module leader for more details.


Enrolment and induction dates for postgraduate taught and research students can be found on our enrolment pages.

Recognition of Prior Learning

Please be aware that the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) process takes several weeks to complete and we would therefore encourage early applications. The deadline for applications is 31 July for entry onto programmes the following September. Late applications may delay the programme start date by a year.

If you have any questions about this process please contact the programme manager. More information can be found on the RPL webpage.