Physiotherapy BSc - information for new students

This page has been created for new Physiotherapy BSc students and contains information on what to expect during the 2022/2023 academic year and guidance regarding your suitability to the course.
Suitability for physiotherapy
We need to make sure you are clear on the physical and mental requirements of the programme so that you can make an informed decision on whether Physiotherapy is the right course for you.
When we say that a registrant is ‘fit to practise’ we mean that they have the skills, knowledge and character to practise their profession safely and effectively.
One of the responsibilities of the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) as a statutory regulator is to ensure that its members are fit to practise. You need to be aware of exactly what fitness to practise means before you enrol on the Physiotherapy (BSc) programme.
Complete our survey
Complete our suitability for Physiotherapy survey.
Contact us
If you have questions about the nature of the course, or about your ability to partake, please contact the Admissions team who will direct you to the most appropriate person: