Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Bridging the 'best interest' gap: Improving decision-making for vegetative and minimally conscious patients

To examine how advocacy would be used to address the problems identified by ‘pure’ research to help create change.


This was action-research, involving advocacy and tracking how this might make a difference in practice


This three-year project is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC).


The focus of this project was on the role of advocacy – and involved the secondment of an Advocate to work with the academics. This project contributed to three co-authored publication involving collaborations between the Independent Mental Capacity Advocate, Jakki Cowley,  the academics and several health care practitioners.

Tîm y prosiect

Principal investigator

Professor Jenny Kitzinger

Yr Athro Jenny Kitzinger

Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil: Effaith ac Ymgysylltu, Cyd-gyfarwyddwr y Ganolfan Ymchwil Caerdydd-Efrog ynghylch Anhwylderau Ymwybyddiaeth Cronig
