Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

Newyddion ac erthyglau arbennig

Darllenwch y newyddion diweddaraf o bob rhan o'r ysgol neu mynnwch gip ar ein herthyglau arbennig.

Homelessness in Great Britain: Taking the long view

5 Chwefror 2016

Fifty year anniversary event to take the long view on homelessness in Great Britain.

Siopa yn Arcêd Morgan

First Welsh Retail Summit held in Cardiff

27 Ionawr 2016

Inaugural Welsh Retail Summit will consider the increasing polarization of our high streets.

Celebrating 50 years of research and teaching excellence

11 Ionawr 2016

The School of Geography and Planning celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2016 with a change of name and a series of events.

Mother breastfeeding baby

Academydd o Gaerdydd i godi pryderon ynghylch cyfraddau bwydo ar y fron

24 Tachwedd 2015

Dr Kate Boyer i rannu ei gwaith ymchwil gydag ASau San Steffan

Volunteers planting crops

Participatory action research benefits local organisations as well as students

24 Tachwedd 2015

Students from the School of Planning and Geography recently made an impact on food communities in Cardiff through their live project modules.

Mosque in Dubai

Archesgob Caergaint yn cymeradwyo ymchwil y Brifysgol i gysylltiadau ffydd

29 Hydref 2015

Cefnogi argymhellion i wella cysylltiadau rhwng grwpiau ffydd a systemau cynllunio llywodraeth leol.

Milan Urban Food Policy Pact

Professor of Environmental Policy and Planning delivers closing speech at prestigious event in Milan

16 Hydref 2015

Professor Roberta Sonnino delivered the closing address at the Signing Ceremony of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact on Thursday 15 October.

Shanty Town

Academyddion Caerdydd yn llunio polisi'r Cenhedloedd Unedig ar "heriau byd-eang pwysig"

9 Hydref 2015

Tri o academyddion Prifysgol Caerdydd yn cael eu penodi i Unedau Polisi'r Cenhedloedd Unedig i lunio agendâu ar dai a datblygu trefol cynaliadwy.

Cardiff Student highly commended in Women in Property National Student Awards

30 Medi 2015

Cardiff University student Rhiannon Jones has been highly commended at this year’s Women in Property National Student Awards.

Cardiff University ranked 7th for geography

21 Awst 2015

The Telegraph has recently recognised Cardiff University as one of the top ten universities for geography.