Ewch i’r prif gynnwys

The Pillars of Advanced Practice: A Celebration

Dydd Gwener, 16 Tachwedd 2018
Calendar 12:00-16:00

Mae'r digwyddiad hwn wedi dod i ben


Arbedwch i'ch calendr

Cardiff University in collaboration with: Cardiff and Vale UHB, Aneurin Bevan UHB, Velindre NHS Trust present; The Pillars of Advanced Practice: A Celebration.

Coffee and Networking will start from 11am.


Oral presentation topics are:

Related to one or more of the advanced practice pillars:

  • How the role of an advanced practitioner has developed service/ patient care specifically;
  • How an Advanced Practitioner can demonstrate excellence in leadership or research or education and how this influences clinical practice.

Poster presentation theme:

  • Development and implementation of evidence-based processes, protocols, standards and clinical guidelines to safeguard patients

Networking opportunities

  • Panel Discussion;

Mentorship, supervision and coaching in Advanced Practice

Presentation of Poster Prizes

There are limited spaces available and all reservations are required to complete the booking form. For more information please contact: jonesa23@cardiff.ac.uk or beang2@cardiff.ac.uk

Cochrane Building, Rooms 2, 3 and 4
Cardiff University
Heath Park Campus
CF14 4XN

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