15 Gorffennaf 2014
Ground breaking work from Cardiff School of Chemistry has been featured on BBC Wales news (14 July 2014).
The Cardiff Catalysis Institute (CCI) team from the School of Chemistry spent the first week in July staging an exhibit for the Royal Society’s summer science exhibition.
19 Mehefin 2014
From mitigating natural disasters to neutralising poisonous gases, scientists are finding new uses for gold.
13 Mai 2014
Professor Sir John Meurig Thomas, FRS delivers first in annual lecture series.
31 Ionawr 2014
Chemistry collaboration fuses Cardiff science with UK business.
13 Ionawr 2014
Catalysis centre of excellence named as new University Research Institute
12 Rhagfyr 2013
Professors Graham Hutchings and Peter Wells recognised for research achievements
22 Tachwedd 2013
Cardiff benefits as Willetts announces £350M for postgraduate study
4 Hydref 2013
Research clears the way for designer enzymes with potential to develop anti-infective and anti-cancer drugs.