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Our research is interdisciplinary, spanning the full translational spectrum. It is expressed within two overlapping themes which work as operational units providing platform knowledge and technical support.

Our research encompasses the discovery, development and usage of medicines across a spectrum of disease areas including cancer, infection, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological disorders.

This work seeks to identify fundamental mechanisms of disease and new pharmacological targets, the design of novel drug candidates and diagnostics, and of innovative drug delivery systems.

Complementing the laboratory investigations are workforce and practice-based studies covering areas such as the social and psychological aspects of the practitioner-patient interaction around medicines usage, pharmaco-epidemiology/-vigilance, pharmaco-economics and associated issues around medicines resource allocation.

Research themes

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Drug Discovery, Pharmaceutical Sciences and Experimental Therapeutics (DDPSET)

Basic and clinical research at the interface of medical, biochemical, biophysical and bio-engineering sciences toward the understanding of disease and the identification of new and improved therapies and diagnostics.

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Medicines Optimisation and Healthcare Outcomes (MOHO)

Research at the patient interface toward an evidence base for the safe and effective use of medicines leading to improvements in the health outcomes of patients.