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Occupational health

Last updated: 22/07/2024 08:48

As your health and well-being are vital to your future career, you will need to complete certain tasks before you can go on clinical placement.

Follow these steps to ensure you are fully prepared healthwise before your placement:

An essential aspect of your application to study at Cardiff University includes the completion of health documentation for Student Occupational Health, which includes a pre-course questionnaire.

For appropriate health-related courses, you will be required to complete a Health Screening Questionnaire via the Student Occupational Health clinical software called 'Cority'.

Please have a scanned copy of your vaccination information to hand before you start your questionnaire, you will be required to upload a copy of this.

Once your questionnaire has been submitted it cannot be changed.

Please refer to the help guide to guide you through completing your questionnaire

Complete the pre-course Occupational Health Questionnaire.

Bachelor of Nursing (Adult) Spring Intake (BN) COH-203Adult Nurse (Spring 2024))
Return to Practice (Nursing) COH-205Return to Practice (Spring 2024)
Dental Surgery (BDS)COH-185Dentist (Autumn 2024)
Clinical Dentistry (MClinDent)COH-153Dental PG (Autumn 2024)
Dental Therapy and Dental Hygiene (BSc)COH-186Dental Therapy & Hygiene - Deg (Autumn 2024)
Dental Hygiene (DipHE)COH-200Dental Hygiene - Dip (Autumn 2024)
Medicine (MBBCh)COH-181Medicine (Autumn 2024)
Medicine (MBBCh) - International StudentsCOH-201Medicine (International Student - Autumn 2024)
Medicine: Graduate Entry (MBBCh)COH-184GEM (Autumn 2024)
Pharmacy (MPharm)COH-176Pharmacy (Autumn 2024)
Bachelor of Nursing (Adult) Autumn Intake (BN)COH-189Adult Nurse (Autumn 2024)
Bachelor of Nursing (Child) (BN)COH-187Child Nurse (Autumn 2024)
Bachelor of Nursing (Mental Health) Autumn Intake (BN)COH-180Mental Health Nurse (Autumn 2024)
Midwifery (BMid)COH-179Midwifery (Autumn 2024)
Physiotherapy (BSc)COH-175Physiotherapy (Autumn 2024)
Physiotherapy (MSc)COH-174Physiotherapy - MSc (Autumn 2024)
Occupational Therapy (BSc)COH-178OT (Autumn 2024)
Occupational Therapy (MSc)COH-177OT - Postgraduate (Autumn 2024)
Radiotherapy and Oncology (BSc)COH-172Radiotherapy-Onc (Autumn 2024)
Diagnostic Radiography and Imaging (BSc)COH-173Radiotherapy-Diag (Autumn 2024)
Social Work (MA)COH-171Social Work (Autumn 2024)
Health VisitorCOH-182Health Visitor (Autumn 2024)
Genetic and Genomic Counselling (MSc)COH-183Genetic and Genomic Counselling (Autumn 2024)
Optometry (MOptom)COH-202Optometry (Autumn 2024)

Your vaccination history is reviewed as part of your Occupational Health Assessment. It is essential you provide your most up-to-date vaccination records to inform decision making regarding clinical placement - a key component of your degree course. Places that may hold information about your vaccinations include:

  1. Your registered GP practice (if you have newly registered at a practice contact your previous one)
  2. Previous employers' occupational health departments
  3. Travel clinics you attended for ‘holiday’ vaccinations
  4. Child Health from the area where you were as a child. If you are unsure, you can contact Cardiff Child Health on +44 (0)2921 836 919 and they will assist

There may be a charge for access.

If you are unable to obtain your vaccination information prior to submitting the questionnaire, please email it as soon as possible to with:

  • your full name
  • your date of birth
  • the course you intend to study

An Occupational Health appointment will be organised for you by your School once you have enrolled. This appointment is mandatory as part of your healthcare course.

The occupational health advisor will check what vaccinations you have already received against a list of vaccinations required before you can go on clinical placement. If you are missing any, they will provide you with a further appointment(s) and you will be given the vaccinations. It is essential you attend these appointments as failure to undertake appropriate vaccinations and blood tests may impact your clinical placement.

Clinical placement

Once you have attended your appointments, Occupational Health will send us confirmation that all your vaccinations are up to date and you are fit to attend placement.

If you do not get all your vaccinations, Occupational Health will inform the department indicating that you are not cleared to go to clinical placement.