Digwyddiadau byd-eang
Mae cynrychiolwyr y brifysgol yn mynd i ddigwyddiadau'n rheolaidd ar gyfer darpar fyfyrwyr o bob cwr o'r byd, a bydd y rhain yn digwydd wyneb yn wyneb ac yn rhithwir.
Diwrnodau agored
Rydym yn cynnal Diwrnodau Agored i fyfyrwyr israddedig ac ôl-raddedig sawl gwaith bob blwyddyn.
Os nad ydych yn gallu mynychu Diwrnod Agored ond yn ymweld â Chaerdydd, gallwch gysylltu â'r Swyddfa Ryngwladol i drefnu taith campws, neu lawrlwythwch taith hunan-dywys ac archwilio'r campws felly.
MSc Children's Psychological Disorders
- Dydd Mercher 19 Mawrth 2025, 13:00 - 14:00 UTC
- (Cy) Run by Cardiff University
- Online
- Virtual event
- Register for this event
Learn how this specialised course equips you to support the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people.
You will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the events during a Q&A session.
Studying the conversion course MSc Psychology
- Dydd Mercher 12 Mawrth 2025, 13:00 - 14:00 UTC
- (Cy) Run by Cardiff University
- Online
- Virtual event
- Register for this event
Explore how this course opens pathways to a career in psychology for graduates from diverse academic backgrounds.
You will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the events during a Q&A session.
Studying Postgraduate Taught Programmes at Cardiff Business School
- Dydd Mawrth 11 Chwefror 2025, 10:00 - 10:00 UTC
- (Cy) Run by Cardiff University
- Online
- Virtual event
- Register for this event
How to fund your master's for UK students
- Dydd Iau 23 Ionawr 2025, 13:00 - 13:30 UTC
- (Cy) Run by Cardiff University
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Studying modern languages
- Dydd Iau 16 Ionawr 2025, 17:00 - 18:00 UTC
- (Cy) Run by Cardiff University
- Online
- Virtual event
- Register for this event
Join our School of Modern Languages to hear more about what it's like to study modern languages at university. You can find out more about the course and careers as well as hearing from some current students who can share their experience of studying at Cardiff University.
Ask Cardiff
- Dydd Mercher 15 Ionawr 2025, 17:00 - 18:00 UTC
- (Cy) Run by Cardiff University
- Online
- Virtual event
- Register for this event
Join us to find out more about life at Cardiff University, the only Russell Group university in Wales. You will get the chance to ask questions to staff from our accommodation, admissions, finance and student recruitment teams as well as some of our current students.
Studying at the Welsh School of Architecture
- Dydd Mercher 15 Ionawr 2025, 16:00 - 17:00 UTC
- (Cy) Run by Cardiff University
- Online
- Virtual event
- Register for this event
Join us for an insightful webinar and explore what makes the Welsh School of Architecture one of the UK's top-ranked institutions. With over a century of excellence, our innovative programs blend design, sustainability, and cutting-edge research to prepare future architects for global challenges.
Digwyddiadau sy'n benodol i wledydd
Rhestrir isod y gwledydd lle mae gennym ddigwyddiadau sydd ar y gweill. Mae gan bob un o'n digwyddiadau ffocws gwahanol ac maen nhw wedi'u cynllunio ar gyfer myfyrwyr o wledydd penodol. Cynhelir rhai digwyddiadau gan asiantau neu gynghorwyr tra y bydd digwyddiadau eraill yn cael eu cynnal gan staff y brifysgol. Gwiriwch ddisgrifiad y digwyddiad cyn cofrestru.
Os oes gennych chi gwestiynau am ein hymweliadau, cysylltwch â ni.
Global Study UK Bahrain
- Dydd Sadwrn 18 Ionawr 2025, 18:00 - 21:00 UTC +3
- (Cy) Run by Global Study UK
- Intercontinental Regency Bahrain, Manama
- In-person event
- Register for this event
This event is suitable for prospective students at all levels of study, who want to find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.
Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
IDP Bahrain
- Dydd Mercher 29 Ionawr 2025, 17:00 - 21:00 UTC +3
- (Cy) Run by IDP
- Intercontinental Hotel – Alrifaa Ballroom, Manama
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.
Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
UK Education Fair
- Dydd Sadwrn 18 Ionawr 2025, 11:00 - 16:30 UTC +8
- (Cy) Run by Amber Education
- The Cordis, Mong Kong, Hong Kong
- In-person event
- Register for this event
We invite all prospective students and current applicants at all levels of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.
Sian Keepin will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
Uniserv Education Fair Nairobi
- Dydd Sadwrn 25 Ionawr 2025, 10:00 - 19:00 UTC +3
- (Cy) Run by Uniserv Education
- Sarit Expo Centre, Westlands, Nairobi
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Explore global study opportunities with Cardiff University. We invite all prospective students and current applicants at all levels of study to join us and find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff.
Chris Wright will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
IDP Kuwait
- Dydd Mawrth 28 Ionawr 2025, 17:00 - 21:00 UTC +3
- (Cy) Run by IDP
- Millennium Hotel & Convention Centre – Eklil, Dinar, Jumana Meeting Rooms, Kuwait City
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.
Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
Global Study UK Oman
- Dydd Iau 16 Ionawr 2025, 18:00 - 21:00 UTC +4
- (Cy) Run by Global Study UK
- Radisson Blu Hotel, Muscat
- In-person event
- Register for this event
This event is suitable for prospective students at all levels of study, who want to find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.
Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
IDP Oman
- Dydd Gwener 24 Ionawr 2025, 16:00 - 21:00 UTC +4
- (Cy) Run by IDP
- Crowne Plaza Hotel, Muscat- Al Sindbad Hall, Muscat
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.
Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
UKuni Winter Roadshow Riyadh
- Dydd Mercher 15 Ionawr 2025, 17:00 - 22:00 UTC +3
- (Cy) Run by UKuni
- Marriott Riyadh, Riyadh
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Join Cardiff University at the UKuni Universities Roadshow. This is your chance to connect with our representatives, explore our wide range of programs, and get personalised advice to help you take the next step in your academic journey.
Daniel John will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
UKuni Winter Roadshow Al Madinah
- Dydd Mercher 15 Ionawr 2025, 17:00 - 22:00 UTC +3
- (Cy) Run by UKuni
- Le Méridien Medina, Al Madinah
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Join Cardiff University at the UKuni Universities Roadshow. This is your chance to connect with our representatives, explore our wide range of programs, and get personalised advice to help you take the next step in your academic journey.
Daniel John will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
UKuni Winter Roadshow Jeddah
- Dydd Mercher 15 Ionawr 2025, 17:00 - 22:00 UTC +3
- (Cy) Run by UKuni
- Hilton Jeddah, Jeddah
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Join Cardiff University at the UKuni Universities Roadshow. This is your chance to connect with our representatives, explore our wide range of programs, and get personalised advice to help you take the next step in your academic journey.
Daniel John will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
UKuni Winter Roadshow Al Khobar
- Dydd Mawrth 21 Ionawr 2025, 17:00 - 22:00 UTC +3
- (Cy) Run by UKuni
- Movenpick Al Khobar, Al Khobar
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Join Cardiff University at the UKuni Universities Roadshow. This is your chance to connect with our representatives, explore our wide range of programs, and get personalised advice to help you take the next step in your academic journey.
Daniel John will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
IDP Jeddah
- Dydd Iau 30 Ionawr 2025, 15:00 - 20:00 UTC +3
- (Cy) Run by IDP
- Ritz Carlton Jeddah, Jeddah
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.
Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
IDP Riyadh
- Dydd Gwener 31 Ionawr 2025, 15:00 - 20:00 UTC +3
- (Cy) Run by IDP
- InterContinental Riyadh, Riyadh
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.
Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
IDP Dammam
- Dydd Sadwrn 1 Chwefror 2025, 15:00 - 20:00 UTC +3
- (Cy) Run by IDP
- Kempinski Al Othman – Al Khobar, Dammam
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.
Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
SI-UK University Fair Bangkok 2025
- Dydd Gwener 17 Ionawr 2025, 15:00 - 19:00 UTC +7
- (Cy) Run by SI-UK
- Grande Centre Point Terminal 21 (BTS Asoke / MRT Sukhumvit)
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Meet our team and explore your study options, gain expert advice, and access digital prospectuses to kickstart your global education journey.
Lily Flynn will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
OneEducation Australia & UK University Fair 2025
- Dydd Sadwrn 18 Ionawr 2025, 13:00 - 17:00 UTC +7
- (Cy) Run by OneEducation
- Novotel Bangkok, Siam Square, 4th Floor
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Get personalised advice and answers to all your questions about studying in the UK and Cardiff from our team.
Lily Flynn will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
WIN Education UK & Australia Study Abroad Fair
- Dydd Sul 19 Ionawr 2025, 12:00 - 17:00 UTC +7
- (Cy) Run by WIN Education
- Samyan Mitrtown Hall
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Come meet us in Bangkok to learn more about Cardiff University —a world-class institution offering outstanding academic programs and enriching student experience.
Lily Flynn will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
Global Study UK UAE
- Dydd Sadwrn 18 Ionawr 2025, 18:00 - 21:00 UTC +4
- (Cy) Run by Global Study UK
- VOCO Dubai Hotel, Dubai
- In-person event
- Register for this event
This event is suitable for prospective students at all levels of study, who want to find out more about courses, entry requirements, scholarships, and student life at Cardiff University.
Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
IDP Abu Dhabi
- Dydd Sadwrn 25 Ionawr 2025, 15:00 - 20:00 UTC +4
- (Cy) Run by IDP
- InterContinental Abu Dhabi – Grand Ballroom, Abu Dhabi
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.
Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
IDP Dubai
- Dydd Sul 26 Ionawr 2025, 15:00 - 20:00 UTC +4
- (Cy) Run by IDP
- Grand Hyatt Dubai – Baniyas Ballroom, Dubai
- In-person event
- Register for this event
Join us at the IDP Study Abroad Conference to take the next step toward an exciting academic journey. Meet Cardiff University representatives, discover our globally renowned programmes, and explore available scholarships. Let us help you navigate your study abroad essentials, from accommodation to student services.
Alexa Jones will be our representative at the event, if you have any questions then get in touch
Open days
We host Open Days for both undergraduate and postgraduate students several times each year.
Postgrad LIVE Cardiff
Considering a master's degree or PhD? Postgrad LIVE Cardiff is your chance to find out what postgraduate opportunities are on offer at a number of top universities, including Cardiff, and how to secure your place on them. Discuss your options, get personalised funding advice and find out what master's and PhD study is really like.
Join us on Wednesday 19 February 2025. Visit the Postgrad LIVE Cardiff event page to find out more and register to attend.
Experience first-hand what it's like to study and live in Wales' capital city at our upcoming undergraduate Open Days:
- Friday 27 June 2025
- Saturday 28 June 2025
- Saturday 13 September 2025
- Saturday 18 October 2025
Sign up to our mailing list to be notified when bookings open.
If you are not able to attend an Open Day, find out more about visiting Cardiff University as an international student.