Portuguese programme leader delivers keynote at Brazilian embassy event
15 Mehefin 2016

This May, Programme leader for Portuguese, Dr Rhian Atkin was invited to present a keynote talk at the Embassy of Brazil, London on the annual Day of the Portuguese Language.
Dr Atkin was invited by the Brazilian Ambassador, Roberto Jaguaribe to speak about Portuguese language teaching in front of an 80 strong audience filled with scholars, teachers and dignitaries which included the ambassadors of Mozambique, Brazil and Portugal and representatives from Instituto Camões, the Portuguese government agency responsible for supporting the teaching of Portuguese in schools and universities.
The event, which took place on 4 May, was an opportunity to make links with teachers of Portuguese in the community and to develop our work on heritage language learning. Dr Atkin talked about the development of Portuguese across the UK, and how the language is crucial for the future of modern languages study. She spoke specifically about our programme here in Cardiff and the provision that we are making for beginners and heritage learners alike.
Images of the Day of the Portuguese Language are available on the Embassy of Brazil in London’s Flickr page.