Enrolment information September 2015
16 Medi 2015

Please see below for a quick guide to enrolment in September 2015; a step-by-step guide to enrolment is also available.
Module timetables and reading lists
You will receive module timetables and detailed module kits/reading lists at subject-specific Introductory Talks, or at the first lecture, or via Learning Central.
School handbook for undergraduate students
All students (new and continuing) will receive a copy of the generic School Handbook for Undergraduate Students during Enrolment week. This handbook gives you full details about a variety of matters concerning your studies at the School of Modern Languages.
Year 1 – all programmes
Please do not enrol on any modules on SIMS Online before meeting your Personal Tutor and attending School enrolment on Wednesday 23 September.
The information on these pages is a brief guide to the main Enrolment events taking place during Enrolment week (Monday 21 September – Friday 25 September).
Before enrolment week, you should read the Essential Information on the Humanities & Social Studies Year One Enrolment page, and relevant Academic Subject information.
Online central enrolment: full instructions will be provided by the University Registry.
Welcome event: Tuesday 22 September, 9.30am – 10.00am. All Programmes with Languages: Lecture Theatre 0.22, Law Building, Park Place (map ref: 28); Welcome Event details NB If you are a Joint Honours student and your Welcome Events clash, please attend ONE event only – the events cover similar ground and you will not be disadvantaged!
Personal tutor meetings: Tuesday 22 September. Details will be emailed to you on or before 22 September (also, see listings on notice boards in foyer of the School of Modern Languages 66a Park Place (map ref: 24) on Tuesday 22 September). NB Single honours students to see Personal Tutor from 10.00am. Joint Honours students to see Personal Tutors from 3.00pm (‘Home’ school tutor must be seen first).
School enrolment: Wednesday 23 September. John Percival Building* (map ref: 16), from 9.00am – 12.00 noon (Session 1 – Additional Subject Enrolment) and 1.00pm – 4.00pm (Session 2 – Honours Enrolment and Online Enrolment).
Induction Budgeting Talk for New Students: Thursday 24 September, 2.00pm – 3.00pm at C/-1.01 John Pryde Lecture Theatre, Sir Martin Evans (map ref: 35). This session aims to provide you with vital skills and information that will allow you to manage your money effectively and thus prevent financial crisis which could affect your wellbeing and academic progression. You will not be asked to share any personal information during the talk. The session will be interactive with anonymous quizzes using turning point software so it will be fun for all!
Introductory talks (subject-specific): Friday 25 September.
Library inductions for new students: As a new student you’ll want to get the most out of the Cardiff University library and computing services. In the library induction on Friday 25 September you will meet your Subject Librarian and find out how to use the Libraries for your subjects.
Details of the rooms for School enrolment will be supplied at the foyer of the John Percival Building on the day.
Year 2 – all programmes
Online enrolment: full instructions can be found on Registry information page
No school enrolment requirement for continuing undergraduate students
Drop-in sessions for students will be available as follows, for advice/queries on module selection and/or advice for changes to pre-selected modules:
Thursday 24 September, 2-4pm, Admin Hub, room 0.17 (MLANG, 66a Park Place)
Friday 25 September, 10-12 noon, Admin Hub, room 0.17 (MLANG, 66a Park Place)
‘Welcome back’ event (or information): details will be emailed to you/posted on Learning Central.
Years 3 & 4 – all programmes
Online enrolment: full instructions can be found on Registry information page
No school enrolment requirement for continuing undergraduate students
Drop-in sessions for students will be available as follows, for advice/queries on module selection and/or advice for changes to pre-selected modules:
Thursday 24 September, 2-4pm, Admin Hub, room 0.17 (School of Modern Languages 66a Park Place)
Friday 25 September, 10-12 noon, Admin Hub, room 0.17 (School of Modern Languages 66a Park Place)
‘Welcome Back’ Final year students: talk Friday 25th September at 3pm in Lecture Theatre C/0.07, Sir Martin Evans Building (map ref: 35) The talk will welcome final year students back to the School and provide a re-induction, inform you of improvements made to the School since 2014, give you information about the School’s teaching and learning priorities, student representation and surveys and about forthcoming event in the first and second semester which will be relevant to you, followed by social drinks reception.
Welcome Social Event for Returning Year Abroad Students & Erasmus Students: Friday 25th September social drinks reception in rooms 0.41 + 0.42 in the School of Modern Languages (map ref: 24) from 4pm onwards. The social drinks reception will welcome both our returning Final Year cohort and visiting Erasmus students.
The wine reception will provide an opportunity for you to ask staff any questions you may have about your final year and to share your Year Abroad experiences with fellow students and staff.
Postgraduate taught students
School induction event: All new postgraduate taught students are expected to attend our School induction event on Thursday 24th September at 14:00, kindly see the detailed agenda.
International Office induction activities for international students: The 2 week induction and freshers’ programme consists of a range of social events as well as other important enrolment and financial tasks that you need to do when you first arrive and before your studies begin as an international student. All these events are designed to give you the best possible start and aimed at helping you settle as easily as possible into your new life in Cardiff. The programme of events include parties, welcome talks, an information, sports and societies fairs, quizzes, tours of the University campus and the city as well as all the administrative tasks of enrolment, opening a bank account and police registration. The International Student Help Desk is open every day from 09:30–17:00 from Monday 14 September – Friday 25 September 2015.
Postgraduate research students
School induction event: All new postgraduate research students are expected to attend our School induction event on Thursday 24th September at 14:00,kindly see the detailed agenda.
University Graduate College (UGC) event for new research students: All new research students are also expected to attend the ‘Starting Out’ event run by the University Graduate College (UGC). Advance booking is required through the UGC booking webpage (available from mid-September) for either Tuesday 6 October 10:00–15:45, or, Thursday 8 October 10:00–15:45.
Graduate Centre postgrad welcome events: The Postgraduate Students’ Association, the Graduate Centre and the Students’ Union have organised two weeks of events running alongside ‘freshers’ so that postgraduates (masters and doctoral students) can get to know each other from Friday 18 September – Saturday 3 October 2015. Events are free to attend unless stated, however advance tickets are required for all events excluding the Fayres, as spaces are limited. Event details and tickets will be available online in September. During Welcome fortnight, the Graduate Centre Bar is open Monday to Saturday 17:00–23:00. It’s a great place to meet new friends and socialise.
International Office induction activities for international students: The 2 week induction and freshers’ programme consists of a range of social events as well as other important enrolment and financial tasks that you need to do when you first arrive and before your studies begin as an international student. All these events are designed to give you the best possible start and aimed at helping you settle as easily as possible into your new life in Cardiff. The programme of events include parties, welcome talks, an information, sports and societies fairs, quizzes, tours of the University campus and the city as well as all the administrative tasks of enrolment, opening a bank account and police registration. The International Student Help Desk is open every day from 09:30–17:00 from Monday 14 September – Friday 25 September 2015.