Student success on new Part 3 course
22 Mehefin 2018

The Welsh School of Architecture’s PG Dip Architecture: Professional Practice, the new iteration of our RIBA Part 3 course, has achieved a 100% pass rate in its first year.
All students pass with a grade of Merit apart from Jenny Saunders, who was awarded a Distinction. Jenny also received the Stanley Hall Cox Prize for the best Diploma student, donated by Stride Treglown.
Professor Sarah Lupton, Personal Chair and Course Director of the Diploma and Master of Design Administration courses, said: “This was the first year of the new Diploma course and it proved successful with all candidates passing. Very well done to all! I would like to thank all those who contributed as tutors, seminar presenters and examiners to this year’s course.”
For information on the PG Diploma in Architecture: Professional Practice, please visit our Coursefinder pages.