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Newyddion ac erthyglau arbennig

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Front cover of Music in Vienna book

Music in Vienna: 1700, 1800, 1900

15 Mehefin 2016

New publication offers an alternative approach to the history of music in Vienna

Cardiff University Symphony Orchestra

On the road again

13 Mehefin 2016

Cardiff University Symphony Orchestra has headed out on the road for its second European tour

Cropped section of a page from De Harmonia Musicorum

Rare Renaissance musical treasures discovered

8 Mehefin 2016

Cardiff academic makes exciting discovery at Ushaw College Library

Advertising for the 1889 Paris World Fair

Revolution and Romance: Musical Masters of the 19th Century

8 Mehefin 2016

Sharing expertise on new BBC4 documentary series

The Body, the Grotesque and Carnival in the Music of Pavel Haas

6 Mehefin 2016

Research by PhD student Martin Čurda proposes a new interpretative framework for approaching the work of Czech composer Pavel Haas

Luiz Costa and Pedro Faria Gomes


2 Mehefin 2016

Work by Dr Pedro Faria Gomes features in a new Naxos recording released this month

Cardiff University Music Building

Music at Cardiff rises in league tables

24 Mai 2016

Our undergraduate music course has risen to 15th place in the latest Guardian university league tables

Ancient Mariner: Not an Opera

16 Mai 2016

PhD composers team up with Welsh artist Ivor Davies

Cover of Dr Hill's San Francisco in the Long 60s book

San Francisco’s cultural legacy captured in new book

5 Mai 2016

New publication by Dr Sarah Hill explores the legacy of popular music in San Francisco

Dr Amanda Villepastour and Laudan Nooshin

Music Lecturer’s book receives prestigious commendation

3 Mai 2016

Dr Amanda Villepastour, received commendation in the British Forum for Ethnomusicology (BFE) Book Prize.