o'n graddedigion mewn cyflogaeth a/neu’n astudio ymhellach, i fod i ddechrau swydd neu gwrs newydd, neu wneud gweithgareddau eraill fel teithio.
(HESA 2021)
Rydym yn gweithio i greu
dyfodol gwell
i Gymru a'r byd
Rydyn ni'n rho
ein cymunedau
wrth wraidd popeth a wnawn
Croesawgar acuchelgeisiol
rydym yn brifysgolfyd-eang
yng nghanol prifddinassy’n ffynnu
29 Ebrill 2013
Glittering ceremony held at Cardiff’s City Hall
25 Ebrill 2013
Findings improve our understanding of brain processes associated with psychotic experiences in childhood.
18 Ebrill 2013
Cardiff joins with Capital Medical to create joint biomedical research centre.
16 Ebrill 2013
Counselling intervention increases patients’ intentions to change risky health behaviours.
Wales Gene Park celebrates 10 years of genetic discovery.
15 Ebrill 2013
Wales and British & Irish Lions Centre adds medical degree to sporting honours.
9 Ebrill 2013
Drug could also have wider benefits in treating disorders such as autism.
15 Mawrth 2013
Scientists make headway in developing a vaccine for the leading infectious cause of congenital birth.
28 Chwefror 2013
Some of China’s leading cancer experts will work alongside Welsh scientists in a bid to create new cancer treatments.
26 Chwefror 2013
Cardiff student helps Ireland women secure rugby title.