Ewch i’r prif gynnwys


Community Gateway

Y Brifysgol yn cefnogi rhedwyr dibrofiad

11 Awst 2016

Creu grŵp rhedeg o ganlyniad i noddi Hanner Marathon y Byd

Rhys Shorney

Cefnogi Athletwyr Olympaidd yn Rio

27 Gorffennaf 2016

Ffisiotherapydd Caerdydd i weithio gyda thîm nofio Olympaidd

Physiotherapy alumni support Wales in European Championships

26 Gorffennaf 2016

BSc Physiotherapy alumni, Oliver Wilding and Jonny Harper recently attended the 2016 European Touch Championship alongside academics from the School of Healthcare Sciences; Physiotherapy Lecturer, Tim Sharp and Professor Nicola Phillips.

Cardiff student midwife Hayley Forbes receiving her Cavell Award

Congratulations to Hayley Forbes Winner of the Outstanding Student Midwife Award

25 Gorffennaf 2016

Cardiff student Hayley Forbes win the Cavell Outstanding Midwife Award

Professor Daniel Kelly awarded Royal College of Nursing Fellowship

15 Gorffennaf 2016

Professor Daniel Kelly, a senior researcher from the School of Healthcare Sciences has been awarded a Fellowship of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN).

Bhanu Rhamswamy

Bhanu Ramaswarmy

14 Mehefin 2016

Queen's Birthday Honours

Clawr rhifyn y Gwanwyn -Iechyd Da

Iechyd Da (Rhifyn y Gwanwyn)

10 Mehefin 2016

Rhifyn y Gwanwyn o lythyr newyddion yr Ysgol.

The impact of workforce culture on midwifery care

24 Mai 2016

Investigating the relationship between midwifery workforce culture and the care of women and their families

Libby Baraz Lecturer Midwifery Cardiff University

Midwifery Taster Day

21 Ebrill 2016

A successful Midwifery Taster Day event to provide an insight in to what it's like to be a support worker, midwife and obstetrician in Cardiff.

Nicola Phillips

Penodi academydd o Brifysgol Caerdydd ar gyfer rôl flaenllaw yng Ngemau'r Gymanwlad

5 Ebrill 2016

Yr Athro Nicola Phillips wedi'i phenodi'n Chef de Mission