o'n graddedigion mewn cyflogaeth a/neu’n astudio ymhellach, i fod i ddechrau swydd neu gwrs newydd, neu wneud gweithgareddau eraill fel teithio.
(HESA 2021)
Rydym yn gweithio i greu
dyfodol gwell
i Gymru a'r byd
Rydyn ni'n rho
ein cymunedau
wrth wraidd popeth a wnawn
Croesawgar acuchelgeisiol
rydym yn brifysgolfyd-eang
yng nghanol prifddinassy’n ffynnu
11 Chwefror 2010
Biosi wins a most Valued Partner Award.
9 Hydref 2007
Cardiff University Professor Sir Martin Evans FRS has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine, the most prestigious honour in world science.
16 Tachwedd 2006
Dr Paola Borri received the Marie Curie Excellence Award from the European Commission during the official award ceremony at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne on the 16th of November.
24 Hydref 2006
The German Nobel laureate Robert Huber has joined the School of Biosciences to lead research in structural biology.