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Course options

We can tailor our courses to suit your workplace’s needs.

All our Welsh in the workplace packages include teaching and preparation, tutor travel costs, initial consultation and an optional language awareness session.

Language awareness

Bespoke Welsh Language Awareness Training can be provided for your organisation. Such courses will provide you with a greater understanding of Welsh language issues, such as the legislative and policy framework and the rationale behind bilingualism.

It is important to note that language awareness training is not about language skills. It is about appreciating language choice as an integral part of effective communication and optimising customer service.

Meet and greet

A short course for beginners to be able to meet and greet customers, deal with basic enquiries, reception work, basic emails, etc, in a workplace setting.

The course also provides other basic elements of Welsh and can be viewed either as a ‘taster’ course or as a stand-alone option in that it provides definite and quantifiable skills relevant to the workplace.

Beginners' courses

A 60-120 hour course (Entry or Foundation Level) which can be delivered to suit the availability/capacity of your organisation i.e. once or twice a week over one year or in more bite-sized chunks.

Our bite-sized courses are:

  • The Basics (60 hours)
  • Building on the basics (60 hours)
  • Increase your conversation (60 hours)
  • Bringing it all together (60 hours)

Intermediate to proficiency level courses

Perhaps some of your staff were brought up in a Welsh speaking environment, sat A Level Welsh, attended a Welsh medium school, etc.

However, they do not actively use their Welsh due to a lack of practice and/or lack of confidence. It is often more time and cost effective to get these individuals up to speed than it is to concentrate on beginners alone.

Blended learning

With time pressures at work, blended learning (50% in class and 50% on-line self study) is an attractive option. These pioneering courses mean that the work is introduced online and revised in class.

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Learn Welsh Cardiff