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Searching for secondary works on Eastern and Central Europe

Search tips for finding secondary works on Eastern and Central Europe held in the libraries, using LibrarySearch.


The following journals are available in the library or online via LibrarySearch:

Search tips

There are potentially dozens of journal titles that may be relevant to your research.

You can do a keyword search in LibrarySearch, and then refine your results by selecting ‘journals’ under the ‘Resource Type’ heading in the column on the left-hand side of the screen.

Anything with ‘Slav’; ‘Slavic’; ‘Eastern Europe’;‘Soviet'; ‘Poland’; ‘Hungary’; ‘Germany’; ‘Czechoslovakia’; ‘Bohemia’; ‘Romania/Rumania’, or ‘Soviet Union/USSR’ in the title may well be of use.

The ‘Details’ tab next to the ‘Find and Request’ link, contains useful information on the item and the subjects it covers.


Another way to track down relevant works is to search for the following publishers, since all of their monographs will be relevant.

Search tip: make sure you enclose your search terms with quotation marks to limit your results to the appropriate publishers.

For example: For East European Monographs (Boulder, Colorado), type “East European Monographs”. This returns 50 relevant results.

CEU (Central European University): “Central European University” gives you 72 results.

Orbis was the name of the Czechoslovak state publisher. All titles by Orbis are therefore worth considering. For works by this publisher you will need to specify “Orbis Books” in the search box.

Other publishers with specialism in East-Central Europe include:

  • Pittsburgh University Press
  • Cornell University Press
  • Harvard Center for Ukrainian Studies

The following works by the Czechoslovak President Eduard Benes are also available:

For other works or DVDs on this topic, please see the reading lists provided with this module and check on LibrarySearch, using some of the search tips provided here if necessary.