Newspaper and archival collections

Print and archival sources including Communist newspapers, political archives, correspondences, and a significant collection of Radio Free Europe reports.
Archives of the British Labour Party general correspondence and political records. Part 11, The Labour Party and the Soviet Union 1919-1939. Special Collections: microfilm.
Communist, (London, 1920-1923). Special Collections: microfilm.
Czechoslovakia crisis, 1968: the State Department's crisis files. Special Collections: microfilm.
Journal of Trotsky studies. Special Collections: Journals, Journal/Jo.
La République Démocratique (1921-1930). Special Collections: microfilm.
L'alliance democratique, (1934-1955, incomplete). Special Collections: microfilm.
L'Alliance Republicaine Démocratique (1918-janv.1921). Special Collections: microfilm.
L'Echo de Paris, (1919-1924 ; 1928-1931). Special Collections: microfilm.
Le Flambeau, (1929-42, incomplete). Special Collections: microfilm.
L'Humanité, (1930-1939). Special Collections: microfilm.
Le petit journal, (Jan 1937 – Oct 1939). Special Collections: microfilm.
Moscow: United Magazines and Newspapers 1933-, Special Collections: Journals, Journal/Mo.
Popular newspapers during World War I. Part 3, 1918-1919, Special Collections: microfilm.
Papers of Annie Grace Henderson: collection contains details of her travels in the Soviet Union during the 1930s.
Radio Free Europe Research, Background reports. Country series, German Democratic Republic (Leiden, IDC). Special Collections: microfilm.
Workers' weekly official organ of the Communist Party of Great Britain, (1923-1927). Special Collections: microfilm.