
Our work sets out to tackle major societal challenges.
In our world of global connections and complications, we cannot expect one institution or academic subject to hold all of the answers. Creating the world's first Social Science Research Park (SPARK) is a response to this challenge. Adapting and evolving the traditional science park model, it creates new infrastructure for combining our social science know-how with those of our partners.
SPARK brings together interdisciplinary research groups to address issues that affect us all, from the causes of unemployment to ways of making us healthier and safer. Pooling expertise under one roof will allow us to work in new ways as we develop and explore answers to these problems.

Social science parks: society's new super-labs
The ideas behind the Social Science Research Park.
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High-quality collaborations with industry, the public and third sectors will enable our students to think about their futures, encourage them to imagine what can be achieved and allow them to explore their entrepreneurial spirits.
New insights and new knowledge will be born out of new partnerships; a distinctive way of working we hope will shape the future of social science research.

At SPARK – the world’s first Social Science research park – internationally leading social science-led research outfits at Cardiff University will combine in new ways across the social, biological and physical sciences in a bespoke environment to generate new knowledge and to develop new solutions to major societal problems. It will be the very definition of connection, collaboration and impact
Learn about the University's cutting-edge research, technology transfer, business development and student enterprise.