Quality enhancement review
Quality Enhancement Review is the method by which Welsh higher education providers are reviewed as part of the Quality Assessment Framework for Wales. It provides a distinctive approach to
Its purpose is to demonstrate that educational provision at Welsh universities is of appropriate academic standard and quality against a set of baseline regulatory requirements. In addition, the review will focus on how we plan, implement and evaluate measures intended to improve the student learning experience, giving attention to the university's strategic intentions.
Quality Enhancement Review 2020
In March 2020 the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) completed our latest Quality Enhancement Review, and the outcome is now available.
As part of our self-evaluation analysis we asked the QAA review team to consider the following areas of focus:
- placement and employability
- international experience and student mobility
- student voice
- student partnership and support
The review team confirmed that the university meets the requirements of the European Standards and Guidelines (ESG) Part 1 for internal quality assurance, and the relevant baseline regulatory requirements of the Quality Assessment Framework for Wales.
The review team did not make any recommendations to indicate that there are issues which the university needs to address.
They commended the opportunities provided by CUROP (Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme) to students, which allow them to engage with research activities to enhance their learning and future career prospects.
The review team also made references to current university practices that were encouraging. They were particularly encouraged by:
- our close working relationship with the Students’ Union
- the support provision and initiatives available for students
- the postgraduate research community which is being established through the Doctoral Academy
- the development and promotion of Welsh medium curriculum in the School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- the arrangements of placements for our students and engagement with the placement providers
Quality Enhancement Review Action Plan
The action plan has been developed jointly between the university and the Students’ Union. The development of an action plan following the review visit is an integral part of the QER process.
At it’s meeting on 9 November 2022, ASQC received final updates on the CUROP. The actions taken in advance of 2022/23 to enhance the CUROP complete the action in the QER action plan, therefore ASQC confirmed that the action plan could be closed.

Quality Enhancement Review action plan
University action plan following Quality Enhancement Review visit in 2020.
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Annual Quality Report
The Annual Quality Report provides a holistic overview of the operation and outcomes of the university’s academic quality management systems during each academic session, and is received by Council each year in line with the requirements outlined in the Higher Education Code of Governance.
The report identifies and reflects upon all elements of the academic quality system, including quality assurance, enhancement, assessment and admissions activities and confirms that all processes and procedures are regularly reviewed and that enhancement activity is responsive to feedback and external requirements.
Each section identifies enhancements and actions, which ensure that the academic quality system continues to evolve and takes a proportionate, risk-based approach to address matters relating to academic standards and quality. In addition, a risk status for each area of activity has been identified to highlight areas of concern with actions identified.