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Responsibilities for honorary title holders

Honorary staff are required to abide by University policies in so far as they are applicable, and in particular those relating to the Financial Regulations and Human Resources and Health and Safety policies.

All involvement with the University should be agreed with the relevant Head of School or Director of Professional Service.

Honorary staff are subject to the health and safety regulations and guidance of Cardiff University. As part of these regulations, individuals who access high risk areas such as laboratories, engineering areas etc require clearance from Occupational Health prior to gaining access. Initial contact can be made by telephone or email.

Honorary staff participating in University research projects or programmes will be required to report the creation of any Intellectual Property arising from those projects or programmes that may be commercially viable, to the Research and Innovation Services Division.

Should there be a conflict of interests which overlaps with the relationship with the University, this must be disclosed initially to the Head of School/Department.

There will be a need to maintain confidentiality of information gained in the course of the relationship with Cardiff University wherever appropriate.

At all times Honorary staff will be expected to maintain the good reputation of the University.

Honorary staff are not eligible to act as external examiners for the University.