
Successful completion of our part-time courses allows you to gain credits which can be used towards higher education qualifications.
We offer four qualifications that you can study towards:
This is a departmental award that you achieve when you gain 60 credits within one subject area. In some areas, the combination of courses is predefined.
Download further information about Certificates of Continuing Education.
If you wish to study for on of our Certificates of Continuing Education, then please contact us to discuss your options.
The credits gained for a Certificate of Continuing Education can also count towards a Certificate of Higher Education.
This nationally recognised qualification is awarded when you gain 120 credits at level 4 from any combination of courses. This is equivalent to the work required of the first year of a full-time undergraduate degree.
The time limit to gain this qualification is 10 years. Credits from each individual course will only count towards this qualification once you have chosen to start working towards the certificate. You may substitute level 5 credits for level 4 credits. If you intend to continue your study and work towards a Diploma, these level 5 credits cannot also be counted towards that.
These are departmental awards and are awarded when you gain 60 credits within one subject area at level 5. In most subject areas the combination of courses is predefined.
Download more information about Certificates of Advanced Study.
If you wish to study for a Level 5 Certificate of Advanced Study, then please contact the appropriate co-ordinating lecturer to discuss your options. The credits gained for a Certificate of Continuing Education can also count towards a Certificate of Higher Education.
This nationally recognised qualification is a level 5 award and is awarded when you gain 120 credits. The time limit to gain this qualification is 10 years.
Download more information about studying towards a Diploma and enrol by completing this form.
How credits work
Credits are part of a national scheme which allows you to work towards a nationally recognised award at most UK universities.
Credits are usually assigned to a unit of study in multiples of 10. They give an indication of the level at which you are working, and the amount of work involved and provide recognition that you have successfully completed a course.
The University calls each unit of study a module and each module is usually worth 10, 20 or 30 credits. We have called these modules “courses”. The number of credits for each course can be found by searching for a course. Credits are offered at different levels as follows:
- Level 3 - equivalent to pre-degree level study
- Level 4 - equivalent to first year undergraduate study
- Level 5 - equivalent to second year undergraduate study.
Most of our courses do not require previous qualifications but please note that some Level 5 courses may require previous experience or qualifications.
Learn more about the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales.
Our courses can help you to progress to an undergraduate degree programme as you will be able to show recent evidence of your ability to study at degree level.
If you want to use the courses you have studied with us to be credited towards your degree, they will have to match with the modules within the degree programme. This is possible in some cases.
If you are thinking about going on to study an undergraduate or postgraduate degree, it is a good idea to speak to one of our co-ordinating lecturers. If you are clear about the degree you want to study, it is also useful to speak to the relevant admissions tutor to get an idea of the most appropriate preparation before you start. Many students will find that a Certificate of Continuing Education is the best route.
International language qualifications
We are an approved examination centre for a number of international cultural organisations.
You can sit exams in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese and Japanese, as well as exams for professional qualifications in interpreting or translation.
Find out more about international language qualifications.
Annual award ceremony
Each year we hold an award ceremony where Continuing and Professional Education students receive their award in the company of fellow students, friends and family.
If you have any more questions, please get in touch.
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