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Blood Test

Major step towards Alzheimer’s blood test

30 August 2016

Researchers predict onset of Alzheimer’s disease with 85% accuracy


Lyonesse project published

26 August 2016

New study shows impact of 12,000 years of sea level rises on Isles of Scilly

Boost for high value manufacturing in Wales

22 August 2016

Cardiff University experts help drive new £14m EU-backed project

Gold abstract

Cardiff collaboration wins diabetes grant

18 August 2016

Midatech Pharma working with University to develop treatments that help pancreas produce insulin

Image of Brain

History of the human brain

12 August 2016

Experts suggest that complex decisions of whether to help someone or not could have led to the disproportionately large human brain.


Preparing the next generation of leading social science researchers

11 August 2016

Cardiff successful in bid for new ESRC Wales Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP)

Mountain Chicken Frog

Lessons for conservation

11 August 2016

Deadly fungal disease causing catastrophic species decline of mountain chicken frog


How did our medieval ancestors live?

5 August 2016

Ground-breaking project to give picture of everyday life from peasants to elite

Antikythera Mechanism (Copyright required)

Research sheds light on ancient device

2 August 2016

A researcher from the School of Physics and Astronomy is at the centre of a project shedding new light on the Antikythera Mechanism, a 2000 year old artefact which is believed to be the world’s oldest computer

Lung cancer screening trial

29 July 2016

Introduction of screening could significantly reduce lung cancer deaths