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Seeing the unseeable

19 February 2019

Using crystals to unpick how viruses work

Pharmacist holding medicine box and capsule pack

Preventing misuse of antibiotics

12 February 2019

Best practice guide to improve antibiotic use is adopted by Government

Pregnant woman smoking cigarette

Demonisation of smoking and drinking in pregnancy can prevent cessation

12 February 2019

Less moral judgement and more support may help women refrain from smoking and drinking during pregnancy

Image of the ocean

New light thrown on hunt for MH370

11 February 2019

Underwater sound waves reveal two new possible locations for missing Malaysian Airlines flight

Mother and daughter

New study proves the success of support for parents who have children taken into care

8 February 2019

Research shows a newly developed service is having a ‘positive impact’

Clouded leopard and team

Sunda clouded leopard under threat from habitat fragmentation

7 February 2019

Cardiff researchers map patterns of population connectivity for the clouded leopard

Superbugs 2

Eradicating superbugs without generating resistance

5 February 2019

Cardiff University is part of international collaboration to develop new drugs to tackle superbugs

Brain images

Ageing damages the brain’s support cells

31 January 2019

Cardiff University scientists shed light on processes behind age-related decline in brain structures important for memory

Energy transition image

Who should foot the bill for energy transition costs?

31 January 2019

The public may reject further energy transition costs unless energy companies pay their fair share

Man in hospital bed having hand held

Better out-of-hours palliative care needed

30 January 2019

Improvements urgently needed to out-of-hours palliative care