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Port Talbot steel works

Mapping future emissions in Wales

2 March 2017

Cardiff University academics partner with BRE to forecast Wales’s future carbon emissions

Forlorn girl sat on steps

Substance misuse and binge drinking higher in young people in foster care

2 March 2017

Adverse outcomes partly explained by poorer quality social relationships with peers and school staff

Newly discovered exposure multiple prints

Rare prehistoric footprints redefined as 7,000 years old

28 February 2017

Ancient footprints paint a picture of early inhabitants on the Gower Peninsula and hint at climate change millennia ago

Two young children overlooking community from hillside

UK-wide study shows huge postcode disparity in proportion of children in care

28 February 2017

Children in poorest areas in Wales 16 times more likely to be looked after

Compound semiconductor research equipment

£2m equipment award for Hub

27 February 2017

EPSRC funding strengthens Cardiff’s new CS Manufacturing Hub

Microscopic gene

Genes and inflammation

27 February 2017

Genetic variant linked to overactive inflammatory response

Cardiff University presentation at BioWales

Partnership for patient care marks BioWales 2017

21 February 2017

University teams up with leading Medical Research Institute

Diamonds on computer display screen

Cardiff scientists in £4m bid to find tomorrow’s technologies

17 February 2017

University joins EPSRC consortium

Professor Rudolf Allemann

Sesquiterpenes created in lab

17 February 2017

Researchers almost double the production of compound on the way to antimalarial drug molecule

Pills shot with shallow depth of field

New cancer study

16 February 2017

First patient recruited into study for elderly cancer patients unable to undergo chemotherapy.