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Professor Nora de Leeuw and Professor Erwei Song signing memorandum of understanding

Forging new links with China

16 February 2017

Cardiff University and Sun Yat-sen University agree collaboration

Clinician discussion

Novel approach to treating common diseases

15 February 2017

New avenue explored for targeting cancer, strokes and hypertension

Learn Welsh in the Capital

We need your Welsh!

14 February 2017

Welsh speakers everywhere can contribute to a national language resource though new app

Newspaper headline on Climate change

‘Great British Energy’ could fuel conservatives’ passion for climate change action

14 February 2017

Study pinpoints climate language that appeals to centre-right voters

Doctor administring diabetes needle

Diabetes medication system

14 February 2017

Simple device for medication control can reduce number of diabetes patients developing complications

Mother and baby black rhinos

Decline in genetic diversity of black rhino

8 February 2017

Rethink needed to save critically endangered black rhinoceros

Light bulb signifying idea

Unravelling mysteries of mind and matter

6 February 2017

Two research projects secure EU funds totalling €3m

Nurse treating child

Treating breathing problems in preterm children

1 February 2017

Cardiff University researchers launch new study to improve health of prematurely-born children

Researcher looking at compound semiconductor

£13m EU funding boost for Compound Semiconductors

30 January 2017

Backing will help build and equip Institute’s clean room

Giant wave

Tsunami prevention

25 January 2017

Cardiff University mathematician believes tsunami energy can be dissipated using deep-ocean sound waves