Students’ trip to China ‘an incredible experience’
18 Hydref 2017

A cohort of Cardiff Business School undergraduates has returned from a four-week international summer school with Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL) in Wuhan, China.
During the four week summer school programme, students learned about business life in China and attended lectures on the nation’s economy.
Alongside introductory lessons in Mandarin and cultural classes like music, the cohort visited an organisation in Wuhan giving them an insight into Chinese business start-up and development.
Dr Baoshun Wang, associate professor at ZUEL, and visiting academic at Cardiff Business School, arranged the programme of events for the four week placement with Rosemary Smith, Director of International Exchange, to enhance students' existing academic study portfolio, raise cultural awareness, improve personal development, and enhance career preparation.
Dr Jane Lynch, Director of Student Experience at Cardiff Business School, accompanied the students on the trip. She said: “I must say a huge thank you to Professor Wang and Rosemary for the first summer school in ZUEL...”

“It was a tremendous opportunity for our students to fully appreciate daily life in China and understand the many cultural differences, particularly ‘guanxi’, which will help prepare them for international business relations in the future.”
Guanxi is a crucial part of business life in china and means relationships or connections.
Dale Brocklesby, a 2nd year undergraduate studying Bsc Economics at Cardiff Business School,, said: “When I applied for this trip I don’t think I appreciated how much of an impact it would make on me...”
“Through the students I met, both from home and in China, the places I visited and the lessons I had, I’ve made memories that will last a lifetime.”
“It was a pleasure for me to go, and I’m sure I’ve learnt more about China and eastern culture in this trip than I could have ever done from here in Cardiff.

“I want to thank the school for the opportunity and all the staff that made it possible.”
Travel in China
The summer school also gave the students an opportunity to see other cities across China travelling by Bullet Trains, including Xi'an, home to the Terracotta Warriors, Beijing, where they visited the Great Wall of China, and Shanghai for the Pudong (Oriental Pearl) Tower.
Liam Hancock, a 2nd year undergraduate studying BSc Business Management at Cardiff Business School, said: “The build up to the China trip and the visit itself was a truly incredible experience.
“All of the students visiting China developed some strong connections and we learned so much about the Chinese culture in business, the classroom and whilst visiting historical sites. This was a real highlight for me. I am really grateful for this opportunity...”
“Developing international connections with eastern growing economies will become essential for my future career plans.”
“These are memories I will cherish forever.”
The summer school was funded by the Global Opportunities Centre, a dedicated resource and source of expertise for all international opportunities available at Cardiff University.
In line with Cardiff Business School’s public value strategy, ZUEL has a strong sense of civic mission. Through its research and teaching, ZUEL plays a central role in addressing China’s social and economic challenges and has become a centre of excellence in the disciplines of economics and law.