Ecumenical law colloquium holds annual meeting in Rome
2 Mehefin 2017

The Colloquium was established in Rome in 1999, and was an initiative of the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), the Centre for Law and Religion at Cardiff University, and Duquesne Law School, Pittsburgh, USA.
Since then the aim of the Colloquium has been to contribute to greater ecumenical understanding between Anglicans and Roman Catholics from the perspective of canon law as a form of applied ecclesiology. The Colloquium explores ways in which the respective laws of each communion either facilitate or inhibit unity.
This year’s meeting of the Colloquium discussed canon law applicable to bishops: the election of bishops, the functions of bishops, and the discipline of bishops. There were six papers - from the Anglican perspective, by Sion Hughes-Carew (Legal Office of the Church of England, and current LLM student in Canon Law at the School of Law and Politics), Revd Russell Dewhurst (Priest in the Church of England and LLM Graduate), and Revd Stephen Farrell (Registrar, Diocese of Dublin, and LLM Graduate), and, from the Catholic perspective, by Revd Kevin Gillespie (Congregation for the Clergy, Vatican), Revd Luke Beckett OSB (Ampleforth Abbey), and Revd Justin Wachs (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Vatican).The Anglican team also included Charlotte Miles (Canon Law PhD Student and LLM Tutor in Canon Law at the School of Law and Politics) and Revd Dr Jane Steen (Archdeacon of Southwark and current LLM Canon Law Student). The group attended a general audience: Paul Colton (Bishop of Cork) on behalf of the group was presented to Pope Francis. The group also met with Revd Anthony Currer at the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, and Monsignor David Jaeger, Prelate Auditor, at the Court of the Roman Rota. The Colloquium itself had previously been presented to Popes John Paul II (1999) and Benedict XVI (2007).
Photographed in the garden of the Venerable English College were (front l-r): the Very Rev. Francis Bradley (Diocese of Raphoe), Professor James Conn, S.J. (Boston College), the Reverend Stephen Farrell (Registrar, Diocese of Dublin and Glendalough), the Rev. Justin Wachs (Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith), Ms Charlotte Miles (PhD Candidate, Cardiff University, School of Law and Politics), Dr Eithne d’Auria, the Rev. Kevin Gillespie (Congregation for the Clergy), Professor Norman Doe (Director, Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff University), the Rev. Fintan Gavin (Assistant Chancellor, Diocese of Dublin), and Dr Paul Colton (Honorary Research Fellow, School of Law and Politics, Cardiff University). Back (l-r): Professor Mark Hill, QC (Centre for Law and Religion, Cardiff University), Sion Awen Hughes Carew (Church of England Legal Office), the Reverend Adnrew Cole (Catholic Church in England and Wales), the Rev. Russell Dewhurst (Church of England), Father Luke Beckett, OSB (Ampleforth Abbey), Stephen Slack (Chief Solicitor, Church of England Legal Office), and Father Aidan McGrath, OFM.