Logistics & Operations Management academic flying high
29 Ebrill 2016

Recent paper wins and commendations confirm Anne Touboulic’s status as one to watch in the operational management and supply chain arena.
Cardiff Business School academic, Dr Anne Touboulic, is celebrating success with wins and commendations in a number of journal and publishing awards for her 1014 PhD thesis.
Most recently, Anne’s PhD thesis, entitled Exploring How to Manage Supply Chain Relationships for Sustainability: An Action Research Project with PepsiCo and their Agricultural Suppliers in the UK, was recognised in the 2015 Emerald/EFMD Outstanding Doctoral Research Awards. Anne’s work was Highly Commended in the Logistics and Supply Chain Management category.
Anne’s research has achieved wider recognition including being awarded Best Paper 2015 by the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management and a Highly Commended credit by the International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management.
In 2013, prior to completion of her PhD, Anne was also awarded the IFPSM (The International Federation of Purchasing and Supply Management) Best Paper Relevant to Practice at the 22nd International Purchasing and Supply Education and Research Association Conference.
The research, a rare example of engaged research in the field of sustainable operations and supply chain management, addressed the qualitative knowledge gap around the relationship aspects of implementing sustainable supply chain practices. It has contributed rich qualitative insights to progress our understanding of how organisations in a supply chain work together on social and environmental initiatives, and how sustainable supply chain management, as a radical transformation of business practices, unfolds.
Dr Anne Touboulic is a Lecturer in Operations and Supply Chain Management within the Logistics and Operations Management section and completed her PhD in the School in 2014. Anne holds a Masters in Political Studies and Economics and in International Business Management.
Anne will deliver a seminar on sustainable supply chain management for the Sustainable Places Research Institute on 29 April 2016.