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Family playing in forest

Children in care can recover from adversity with the right adoptive environment, research finds

31 July 2019

‘Warm parenting’ can minimise negative impact of pre-adoption adversity

Coins and notes

New report analyses £13.7 billion deficit in Wales’ public finances

29 July 2019

Austerity cuts have reduced spending and deficit significantly, experts say

Magnet research

EU backing for world-class magnetics research

24 July 2019

MAGMA to develop magnetic alloys

Science experiment

Evidence ‘vital’ in fake news world

24 July 2019

Report stresses importance of scientific evidence for policymakers

Woman listening to patient's lungs

Reducing antibiotic use

11 July 2019

Finger-prick blood test at GP surgery could safely reduce antibiotic use in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Compound Semiconductor

Cardiff in world-beating CS breakthrough

8 July 2019

Researchers develop ultrafast semiconductors

Cave droplets

Cave droplets provide window into past climates

8 July 2019

Scientists unveil first global analysis of drip waters, which form stalagmites and stalactites, from 39 caves around the world

Kathryn Whittey

Fish hives replace lost Caribbean coral reefs

26 June 2019

Kickstarter to create new artificial reefs from every day materials

Aerial view of Ely area

Archaeologists return to Hidden Hillfort for excavations of the city’s past

26 June 2019

Community dig to uncover historic ramparts


Share of Welsh workforce in the public sector reaches historic low

19 June 2019

Report reveals effects of budget cuts on employment