Russia/ U. S. S. R

A selection of books, papers, journals and archival materials on Russia.
American Federation of Labor, Slave labor in the Soviet world, (New York, 1951?). Special Collections: Salisbury, Reynolds WG39.4.0059.
Barraclough, Geoffrey, Survey of International affairs. 1956-1958, (London, 1962). Special Collections: History Research Collection, D441.S8.
Berg, Raisa, Acquired traits: memoirs of a geneticist from the Soviet Union, (New York, 1988). Special Collections: Reference, 576.5092 BER.
The Bulletin of International News, October 22 1938 – December 30 1939; 1943 & 1944. Special Collections: Reference.
Butler, Rohan, (ed.), Documents on British foreign policy 1919-1939. First series. Vol.12, (London, 1962). Special Collections: History Research Collection, DA566.7.G7.
Calvocoressi, Peter, Survey of International affairs. 1947-1948, (London, 1952). Special Collections: History Research Collection, D441.S8.
Carlyle, Margaret, (ed.), Documents on international affairs. 1947-1948, (London, 1952) Special Collections: History Research Collection, D441.D6.
Degras, Jane Tabrisky, (ed.), Soviet documents on foreign policy, (London & New York, 1951-1953). Special Collections: History Research Collection, DK266.A3.D3.
Ellison, David, U.S.S.R. The Strength of our Ally, (London, 1941). Special Collections: Reference, HC335.6.U6 1941.
Frolov, Ivan Timofeevich, Philosophy and history of genetics: the inquiry and the debates, (London, 1991). Special Collections: Reference, 576.50947 FRO.
Germany. Auswärtiges Amt, Die Grosse Politik der Europäischen Kabinette 1871-1914 : Sammlung der diplomatischen Akten des auswartiges Amtes ... / 7. Band, Die Anfänge des Neuen Kurses. 1, Der Russische Draht, (Berlin, 1924). Special Collections: History Research Collection, DD217.G3.
Glasier, J Bruce, The Peril of conscription, (London, Independent Labour Party, 1915). Special Collections: Reference, D525.G5.
Great Britain, Foreign Office, Documents on British policy overseas. Series 3. Vol.3, Détente in Europe, 1972-76, (London, 2001). Special Collections: History Research Collection, DA566.7.G7.
Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Documents on British policy overseas. Series 3. Vol.1, Britain and the Soviet Union, 1968-72, (London, 1997). Special Collections: History Research Collection, DA566.7.G7.
Great Britain, Foreign Office, Documents on British foreign policy 1919-1939. First series. Vol.25, (London, 1984). Special Collections: History Research Collection, DA566.7.G7.
Great Britain, Foreign Office, Documents on British foreign policy 1919-1939. First series. Vol.21, German Reparation and Allied Military Control 1923, (London, 1978). Special Collections: History Research Collection, DA566.7.G7.
Great Britain, Foreign Office, Documents on British foreign policy 1919-1939. First series. Vol.12, (London, 1962). Special Collections: History Research Collection, DA566.7.G7.
Hamilyon, Keith, Documents on British policy overseas. Series 3. Vol.3, Détente in Europe, 1972-76, (London, 2001). Special Collections: History Research Collection, DA566.7.G7.
Harasymiw, Bohdan (ed.), Education and the Mass Media in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, (New York, 1976). Special Collections: Reference, LA832.I6 1976.
Instytut Historyczny imienia Generała Sikorskiego, Documents on Polish-Soviet relations 1939-1945, (London, 1961-67). Special Collections: History Research Collection, DK418.5.R8.G3.
International Organization of Journalists, Mass Media in C.M.E.A. (Council of Mutual Economic Assistance) Countries, (Prague, 1976). Special Collections: Reference, P92. C6.I6 1976.
Journal of Trotsky studies. Special Collections: Journals, Journal/Jo.
Lendvai, Paul, The Bureaucracy of Truth: How Communist Governments Manage the News, (London, 1981). Special Collections: Reference, P92.R8.L3 1981.
Maclear, G. F., Conversion of the West: The Slavs, (London, 1879). Special Collections: Reference BR738.6.M2 1879.
Magosci, Paul Robert, The Shaping of a National Identity: Subcarpathian Rus’, 1848-1948, (London, 1978). Special Collections: Reference, DK508.42.M2.
McNeill, William Hardy, Survey of International affairs. 1939-1946, [edited by Arnold Toynbee]: their co-operation and conflict, 1941-1946; by William Hardy McNeill. America, Britain & Russia, (London, 1953) Special Collections: History Research Collection, D441.S8.
Medlicott, William Norton, Documents on British foreign policy 1919-1939. First series. Vol.25, (London, 1984). Special Collections: History Research Collection, DA566.7.G7.
Medvedev, Zhores A., The Medvedev Papers: Fruitful meetings between scientists of the world; [and,] Secrecy of correspondence is guaranteed by law, (London, 1971). Special Collections: Reference, 323.44 MED.
Morton, Alan G., Soviet genetics, (London, 1951). Special Collections: Reference, 576.50947 MOR.
Moscow: United Magazines and Newspapers 1933-, Special Collections: Journals, Journal/Mo
Papers of Annie Grace Henderson: collection contains details of her travels in the Soviet Union during the 1930s.
Poland: ei gorthrymder a'i dadgorphoriad gan Rwssia a chenedloedd ereill (Poland: its persecution and dissolution by Russia and other nations), (Caernarfon, 188-?). Special Collections: Salisbury, WG4.L.
Pringle, Peter, The murder of Nikolai Vavilov: the story of Stalin's persecution of one of the great scientists of the twentieth century, (New York, 2008) Special Collections: Reference, 630.92 PRI.
Ramet, Pedro (ed.), Religion and Nationalism in Soviet and East European Politics, (Durham, 1984). Special Collections: Reference, BL65.N3.R3 1984.
Roll-Hansen, Nils, The Lysenko effect: the politics of science, (Amherst, 2005). Special Collections: Reference, 570.72047 ROL.
Shimoniak, Wasyl, Communist Education: Its History, Philosophy and Politics, (New York, 1970). Special Collections: Reference, LC1030.S4 1970.
Šik, Ota, The Communist Power System, (New York, 1981). Special Collections: Reference, JF474.S4 1981.
Smogorzewski, Casimir, Lwów and Wilno (now Lviv and Vilnius), (London, 1944). Special Collections: Reference, DK4185.R8.S6.
Sofia Press Agency, Roads to Victory, (Sofia, 1975). Special Collections: Reference, HX44.R6.
Soĭfer, Valeriĭ, Lysenko and the tragedy of Soviet science, (New Brunswick, N.J., c1994). Special Collections: Reference, 576.50947 SOY.
Toynbee, Arnold, (ed.), Survey of International affairs. 1939-1946: Four-power control in Germany and Austria, 1945-1946, (London, 1956). Special Collections: History Research Collection, D441.S8.
Toynbee, Arnold, (ed.), Survey of International affairs. 1939-1946: their co-operation and conflict, 1941-1946: America, Britain and Russia, (London, 1953). Special Collections: History Research Collection, D441.S8.
Tuck, Jim, Engine of Mischief: An Analytical Biography of Karl Radeck, (London, 1988). Special Collections: Reference, HX314.R2.T8.
Watt, Donald Cameron, Survey of International affairs. 1962, (London, 1970). Special Collections: History Research Collection, D441.S8.
Watt, Donald Cameron, Survey of International affairs. 1961, (London, 1965). Special Collections: History Research Collection, D441.S8.
Wiles, P. J. D. (ed.), The Prediction of Communist Economic Performance, (Cambridge, 1971). Special Collections: Reference, HC705.W5 1971.
Zinner, Paul E. (ed.), National Communism and Popular Revolt in Eastern Europe: A Selection of Documents on Events in Poland and Hungary February-November 1956, (New York, 1956). Special Collections: Reference, DR48.5.Z4 1956.