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Informing the future of the sex and relationships curriculum in Wales

This report examines the current and future status and development of the sex and relationships education curriculum in Wales.

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The report supports the recommendations of the Sex and Relationships Education Expert Panel which was presented to the Cabinet Secretary for Education on 13 December 2017.

Areas of research

The report focuses on the following areas:

  • the impact of the narrow and non-statutory status of the current Sex and Relationship Education curriculum on learning and experience
  • core principles and thematic areas of the new Sexuality and Relationships Education curriculum
  • effective pedagogy and assessment for a rights and gender equity based, inclusive, holistic, creative, empowering and protective Sexuality and Relationships Education curriculum
  • the urgent need for training, leadership, resources, support and a robust research base to ensure high quality Sexuality and Relationships Education provision of learning and experience.

Further information

How to cite this document

Renold, E. and McGeeney, E. (2017) Informing the Future Sex and Relationships Education Curriculum in Wales. Cardiff University. ISBN 978-1-908469-12-0

Associated documents

Renold, E. and McGeeney (2017) The Future of the Sex and Relationships Education Curriculum in Wales. Welsh Government.

The project team

Principal investigator

Emma Renold

Professor EJ Renold

Professor of Childhood Studies