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Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Research Facility (MSKBRF)

An integrated, state-of-the-art centre for musculoskeletal biomechanics and bioengineering research offering an immersive suite of human movement laboratories, fluoroscopy (video x-ray) capability, plus associated technologies.


Name Make/Model Details
Theia3D Markerless Motion Capture System Theia3D System with Miqus Cameras Accurate state of the art markerless motion capture system with automatic tracking technology for multiple subjects and the potential to be used in any environment.
Bertec Instrumented Treadmill Bertec Instrumented Treadmill Precision controlled treadmill with safety harness to allow movement to be monitored over an unlimited distance. Instrumented split belts and incline capability. Can be integrated with motion capture systems.
Qualisys Motion Capture System 1 Qualisys Oqus 700+ 10 camera set, plus Oqus 210c video camera Qualisys Motion Capture System - Human Movement Laboratory.
Qualisys Motion Capture System 2 Qualisys Oqus 700+ 12 camera set, plus Oqus 210c video camera Qualisys Motion Capture System - Human Movement Laboratory
Bertec Force Platforms x 2 Bertec 4060-10-1000 Force Platforms Force platforms for measuring human movement.
Portable Force Plate Bertec 4060 Portable force plate allowing flexible data collection for clinical and gait analysis in a variety of settings.
sEMG Wireless Electromyography System Delsys Trigno 32 Channel Wireless EMG system Wireless Electromyography system for measurement of muscle activity.
Tekscan Walkway Tekscan Walkway HRV6 HR system kit. Tactile force and pressure measurement walkway.
Bertec Instrumented Staircase Bertec. Instrumented portable staircase with instrumented hand rail. Consists of 3 instrumented steps plus a non-instrumented top balcony (total of 4 steps).
GAITRite Portable Pressure Mat GAITRite Platinum. Portable walkway to measure temporal and spatial gait parameters.
Xsens Body Inertial Measurement Sensors Xsens Awinda. Xsens Wearable wireless body inertial measurement sensors for full body motion analysis technology 3D kinematics.
Tekscan Plantar Pressure System Tekscan F-Scan VersaTek. In-shoe Pressure Measurement System.
K-Scan joint analysis system Tekscan K-Scan. Tool to measure how the contact surfaces of articulating bones are functioning and loading for objective joint analysis.
GeneActiv Human Activity Monitors ActivInsights GeneActiv. Activgraphy devices for human activity monitoring.
Biodex isokinetic dynamometer Biodex System 4 Tool to measure muscle and joint strength, power, edurance and range of motion.
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) DEXA Bone Density Scanner Hologic – Vertec Discovery (Delphi-A) QDR Series. DXA uses low dose ionising radiation to produce images of the body to measure bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mineral composition (BMC), and overall body composition.
Bi Plane X-Ray (Fluoroscopy) System Cardiff University has a custom designed and built Fluoroscopy Laboratory, with capabilities unique in the UK. Highspeed dynamic biplane X-Ray system capable of up to 125 FPS pulsed and 1000FPS for continuous X-Rays. Can be integrated with motion capture analysis.
Bruker SkyScan MicroCT Bruker Skyscan 1272. High-Resolution 3D X-Ray Microscopy for non destructively imaging samples for life science, electronics, geology and bone.
Samsung portable ultrasound Samsung RS80A ultrasound. High quality Ultrasound with a number of linear ray transducers suitable for use for MSK, abdomen, vascular and small organs. Also able to be used for a variety of research purposes on materials e.g. gels.
Arctec Space Spider 3D Scanner Arctec Space S The space spider is a handheld 3D scanner which digitizes 3D images from real life objects with fine precision.

Get in touch

Professor Cathy Holt

+44 (0)29 2087 6436


  • Queen’s Buildings
    5 The Parade
    Newport Road
    CF24 3AA