Global endorsement for excellence
23 January 2018

Cardiff Business School has been re-accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International following a rigorous review and assessment process.
The five-year re-accreditation confirms that the School continues to ensure a consistent application of AACSB International’s 15 standards, alongside maintaining a robust programme for continuous improvement in its teaching, research and self-governance.
The School was originally accredited by AACSB International, a US accrediting body formed in 1913 to recognise business schools of high quality that are mission-led, in 2012. In November 2017, as part of the re-accreditation process, the School hosted a visit by an AACSB Peer Review Team (PRT). This was an opportunity for the PRT, led by Professor Roy Green, Dean of the University of Technology Sydney, School of Business, to speak with a wide range of faculty, staff, students and partners to consider the School’s current operations and future plans for development.
Significant success and impact
Since its original accreditation, the School has achieved significant success and impact in its teaching and research activities. It has attained Top 100 placement in QS and Times Higher Education world rankings by subject and been ranked 6th out of 101 UK business schools in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) for research quality, and 1st for its research environment.
In terms of its own governance and mission, the most significant undertaking was the development and launch of the School’s bold and progressive Public Value strategy in 2015. The strategy is designed to improve social and economic conditions through interdisciplinary teaching and research that addresses grand challenges.
In the 2017 PRT report, the School was commended for a range of strengths, unique features and effective practices. In particular, attention was drawn to the School’s innovative Public Value strategy. The report notes: “The School has developed a unique and compelling vision and mission focused on ‘Public Value’ […] this mission is culturally embedded within the School, including in its research, teaching and engagement programs.”

The School was also highly praised for:
- taking a ‘participative’ approach to governance, with a Shadow Management Board to engage faculty;
- its equality and diversity strategy, with Athena SWAN endorsement, overseen by a dedicated People Committee;
- delivering effective leadership and management led by the Dean’s exemplary contribution and supported by dedicated and capable professional services staff;
- interdisciplinary research with socio-economic impact;
- an innovative approach to teaching curricula, with new specialised degree programs, including programs in the Welsh language, and a commitment to revising offerings in alignment with its Public Value mission by 2020;
- a strong commitment to building engagement with business and the community;
- a £200million pa contribution to the local economy;
- a vibrant and diverse industry Advisory Board.
“In elite company”
Professor Martin Kitchener, Dean of Cardiff Business School, welcomed news of the re-accreditation: “AACSB accreditation has only been awarded to around 7% of the world’s business schools and so we are in elite company...”

“The accreditation recognises our outstanding efforts in delivering business and management education of the highest standard, supporting issues around gender and equality, instigating impactful interdisciplinary research and making good on our pledge to improve social and economic conditions for communities at home and around the world through our Public Value Strategy.”
“I am immensely proud to serve as Dean of Cardiff Business School and to work with such a dedicated and visionary team of people. During my tenure, we have not only achieved considerable external success but also engendered real cultural and philosophical change internally to question what we are doing and how we can deliver great social and economic value through our teaching, research and governance.
“We are not complacent and will continue to work in collaboration with the University and our external partners to achieve our aims and improve our contributions.”
Cardiff Business School’s AACSB International accreditation will be reviewed again in 2022-23.