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The EU flag

Stories from the cliff-edge: Brexit and Me

7 December 2017

A public event which highlights the personal effect of Brexit is taking place as part of Cardiff University’s Cardiff Speaks Initiative.

Languages on a blackboard

E-mentoring and digital language resources project awarded funding by AHRC

6 December 2017

A new project set to investigate the effectiveness of e-mentoring and digital language resources has received funding from the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s (AHRC) flagship Open World Research Initiative.

Professor Lin Dongwei and Professor Colin Riordan

Celebrating 10 years of the Cardiff Confucius Institute

4 December 2017

The organisation that promotes Chinese language and culture in Wales celebrated it's ten year anniversary this November in Cardiff.

Phoenix Project Filmmakers

Namibian filmmakers’ Chapter screening

13 November 2017

Two short films shown as part of residency in Wales supported by Cardiff University

Threlford Cup

Languages in schools mentoring scheme honoured

8 November 2017

Chartered Institute of Linguists awards Threlford Cup to Modern Foreign Languages Mentoring Scheme

Essay winner Anna (right) with her sister Katie with Doris during their visit to Bolivia.

Santander awards essay prize to two aspiring medics

7 November 2017

Two Medicine students have been awarded joint first prize in this year’s Santander ‘Inspire’ Essay Competition.

Andrew Dowling

Spain and the Catalan Crisis: Dr Andrew Dowling

27 October 2017

Senior lecturer in Hispanic Studies, Dr Andrew Dowling has recently shared his thoughts and knowledge of the Catalan referendum across a range of digital and print based media channels.

Professor W. John Morgan and Professor Qing Gu to introduce their new book, the Handbook of Education in China

‘Education in China’ book launch

10 October 2017

Cardiff Confucius Institute welcomed Professor W. John Morgan and Professor Qing Gu to introduce their new book, the Handbook of Education in China.

Cabinet Secretary for Education, Kirsty Williams launching the Spanish Embassy Education Office (SEEO) and the Goethe Institut London satellite office at the School of Modern Languages

Cabinet Secretary for Education visits School to launch new collaborative language office

21 September 2017

Cabinet Secretary for Education, Kirsty Williams visited the School of Modern Languages this week to learn more about two new collaborative partnerships which aim to increase and aid the professional development of language teachers in Wales.

Spelling Bee winners 2017

School spellers lead the way in multilingual competition

18 August 2017

Pupils from over 30 Welsh schools caused a buzz this July by competing against each other in the Routes into Languages Spelling Bee.