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Multiple languages on a blackboard

Modern Languages and Linguistics at Cardiff University climbs 14 places in student-focused league table

5 June 2018

Modern Languages and Linguistics at Cardiff University has climbed a huge 14 places in the Guardian’s University League Table, appearing 21st in this year’s table.

Modern Languages Professor warns of languages isolation post Brexit in Hay panel discussion

4 June 2018

Professor Claire Gorrara convened and introduced a topical discussion at this year’s Hay Festival which aimed to unpack attitudes towards language learning in the UK post-Brexit.

Hay Festival

University experts line up for Hay Festival

21 May 2018

Cardiff Series: Trump, terror, language learning, lightning and a genetic disorder

Mr Wang Yongli meets with CCI management

Confucius Institute hosts ministerial visit from Chinese Embassy

21 May 2018

This April, Cardiff’s Confucius Institute hosted a ministerial visit from the Chinese Embassy in London.


Working with Translation

17 April 2018

A free online course which stresses the importance of translation and interpreting in today’s multilingual society launched its fourth session this March.

A level class being taught

Young people studying French to benefit from extra tuition

9 March 2018

A group of AS Level students are being given a boost to their learning, thanks to a scheme led by Cardiff University academics

Thank you in different languages

Promoting language diversity

21 February 2018

Multilingual wish list launched by Cardiff University academic and team of global thinkers

Witness to War

Student puts research skills into practice on World War Two programme placement

10 January 2018

A third year PhD student recently saw her research come to life after carrying out a placement on the television programme ‘World War Two: Witness to War’.

Licínia Pereira, Prof. Rachael Langford, Dr. Jorge Criz, Nuno Silva, Dr Tilmann Altenberg, Dr Nick Parsons, Dr Rhian Atkin.

Consul General of Portugal in Manchester visits School of Modern Languages

18 December 2017

The Consul General of Portugal in Manchester was welcomed to Cardiff this December by staff and students of our flourishing Portuguese programme.

GCHQ event

Spy Kids! GCHQ event highlights language opportunities for Welsh school pupils

15 December 2017

Budding linguists from across Wales recently took part in a top-secret event to learn more about how language skills are crucial to the UK’s intelligence service.