Postgraduate research
We have an exceptionally strong research culture, with a strong reputation for the quality of the research produced and the growing number of research grants we are attracting.
Our full and part-time PhD and MPhil opportunities are grouped together under the banner of Languages and Translation Studies. We offer supervision across a wide range of research topics, broadly categorised as follows:
- history and memory
- culture and identity
- languages and translation studies
- global area studies
- history and ideologies
- conflict and development
- literary and textual studies
- cultural studies
- visual cultures
- modern languages education policy, planning and innovation
We offer a multidisciplinary research environment organised around a number of research themes, with numerous opportunities for collaboration. Our academic staff are dedicated to producing world-class research in language, culture and beyond.
You will write a research proposal as part of the application process. Guidance on writing a research proposal is available.
The following examples of recent thesis titles illustrate the scope of our supervisory capacity and the range of areas that you can opt to carry out your research in:
- The reporting of the EU in the print media and the development of Eurosceptic movements: A case study of Britain and Norway
- Reframing the Western in Bande Dessinée: Translation, Adaptation, Localization
- Victims, perpetrators and bystanders: reconceptualising head shaving in Liberation France and Civil War Spain as gender-based violence
- Multilingual Tales: Writing, Translating and Illustrating for Children in Minority-Language Contexts
- The Impossible, Powerful Spaces of BBC Radio Adaptation
The supervisors and academics are not only leading experts in their respective fields but also dedicated mentors committed to fostering student success. Additionally, Cardiff’s collaborative and inclusive academic community provides a stimulating environment for intellectual exchange and personal development.
Postgraduate Open Days
Our Postgraduate Open Day will provide you with an ideal opportunity to find out more about postgraduate study at Cardiff as well as experience the majestic surroundings, the warm and friendly atmosphere or the infectious buzz of the city.
Find out more about the open day and other visit opportunities
Funding opportunities
In addition to Cardiff University Scholarships, funding may also be available from a number of research bodies or organisations. Postgraduate research grants provide financial aid to help you complete your studies and can also help fund your attendance of conferences and research events.
There are lots of funding options available for postgraduate students.