Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Dr Jenny Kidd BA (English, Swansea) MA (Publishing, Oxford Brookes) PhD (Cardiff University)

Dr Jenny Kidd

BA (English, Swansea) MA (Publishing, Oxford Brookes) PhD (Cardiff University)

+44 (0)29 208 74489
0.60A, Sgwâr Canolog, Caerdydd, CF10 1FS
Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


Jenny Kidd lectures and publishes across the fields of digital media, the creative industries and the cultural sector.

Formerly a web editor and designer, Jenny is a keen advocate of immersive media practices, working with a range of institutions to explore and understand their possibilities. Her research is informed by close interaction with the cultural sector. Jenny has recently worked on projects with: The Tower of London, National Museums Northern Ireland, National Trust Scotland, National Maritime Museum, Royal Armouries, Imperial War Museums, Buckfast Abbey, Tate Britain, the Cultural Learning Alliance, The National Library of Wales, Art and Memory, the Digital Engagement Network, The Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, yello brick, the Firing Line Museum, Glamorgan Archives, Cardiff Story, Cardiff Libraries, Museum of Welsh Cricket and National Museum Wales. Jenny regularly reviews policy documentation and interventions for colleagues in the cultural sector and offers advice on research projects and evaluation strategies. She has been a commentator on the BBC on the theme of cultural policy.

Jenny's books are Representation: Key Ideas in Media and Cultural Studies [2015, Routledge] and Museums in the New Mediascape: Transmedia, Participation, Ethics [2014, Ashgate]. Edited books include Performing Heritage [2011, Manchester University Press] and Challenging History in the Museum [2014, Ashgate].

Reviews of Museums in the New Mediascape: Museum and Society, LSE Review of Books, International Journal of Heritage Studies and the Museums Journal.

Dr Kidd is Co-Director of the School's Digital Media and Society research group, a member of the Editorial Board of Cardiff University Press and part of the Cardiff University Digital Cultures Network. She is a Managing Editor of Museum and Society and a member of the Digital Learning Network Committee. In 2016 Jenny was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Society.

Jenny is JOMEC's Director of Learning and Teaching, and the Senior Personal Tutor for the School. She teaches on the BA in Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, leading on the core first year module Representations, the core second year module Digital Cultures, and a third year elective module on Creative/Cultural Industries.

Personal Website



2012 - present: Cardiff University, School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies

2008 - 2012: City University London, Centre for Cultural Policy and Management

2005 - 2008: Research Associate, The University of Manchester, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures

Before studying for her PhD Jenny was a web designer and developer for dktv (a different kind of television), Camden, London.

Anrhydeddau a Dyfarniadau

2017: Evaluator on the HLF funded Wales for Peace project.

2014-2019: CI on AHRC Voices of War and Peace World War One Engagement Centre.

2015-2016 ESRC funding for With New Eyes I See in partnership with yello brick and Amgueddfa Cymru - National Museum Wales.

2015: Award to carry out research on behalf of MECCSA for the Higher Education Academy into Teaching and Learning Issues in the Discipline.

2014: Two awards from University to research Digital Storytelling initiatives.

2013-2014: REACT/AHRC funding for With New Eyes I See.

2012-2014: CI on AHRC network ‘iSay: Visitor generated Content in Museums’ (Digital Transformations).

2013-2014: CI on AHRC network ‘The Significance of the Centenary’ (Care for the Future).

2012-2013: CI on AHRC research network ‘Silence, Memory and Empathy in Museums and Historic Sites’.

2010-2011: Award from Grundtvig for European research on Challenging Histories.

2009: Award from Knowledge Connect for audience research at the City of London Festival.

2009: Award from Museums Libraries and Archives council award for consultation on Challenging Histories.





















The Creative Industries (Y3)

The creative industries are one of the fastest growing employment sectors in the UK. This module provides students with an overview of key creative sectors and helps them to understand the synergies between them.  Students are encouraged to take a critical approach to the term creative industries and the rhetorics of ‘creativity’, ‘innovation’ and ‘impact’ that often accompany its use. The module gives students a timely introduction to the landscape and realities of creative work, including emerging models of creative practice and doing business.

Digital Culture (Y2)

Digital media have re-scripted the relationship between media organisations and their users. Notions of producer and consumer, authorship and authenticity are being re-evaluated and explored in ways that are creative, experimental and infinite. This not only opens up new avenues of opportunity for audience development, but simultaneously calls into question the many practices of cultural consumption and identity construction. This module is an exploration of the claims being made for so-called ‘new’ media in culture. It includes both theoretical and practical components, including the creation of an online portfolio currently featuring digital stories, infographics and a photography project.

Representations (Y1)

This module is concerned with systems of representation. When humans communicate they draw on available resources to produce representations of the world, of people, events and places. But the way they do this is never neutral. This module looks at representations of race, gender, sexuality, disability, age and class, but seeks also to push our understandings of the representational field into rather more unfamiliar territory, looking for example at museological representations of the past, self-representation, reality tv, counter-cultural representations and 'positive' representations.

Themes include:

  • Digital Media
  • Museums/Heritage
  • Representation and Identity
  • Creative Industries

Overview of projects:

Traces/Olion In 2016 we began work on a ‘subtle mob’ for St Fagans National History Museum, Wales. The project was a partnership between Cardiff University, Amgueddfa Cymru – National Museum Wales and yello brick, a creative marketing and street gaming company based in Cardiff. ‘Traces’ (‘Olion’ in the Welsh language version) is crafted for visitors to experience either on their own or in pairs. ‘Traces’ is not an audio guide. Nor is it a tourist guide. It is a site specific storytelling audio app which takes participants on a physical journey around St Fagans, meandering between fact and fiction, past and present. It is an artistic narrative interpretation or ‘composition’ which challenges visitors to experience St Fagans in a new way. It is both playful and thoughtful. The partner experience takes users on two separate journeys that interweave in ways that are expressly performative, but invisible to other visitors they might encounter within the grounds.

Traces was supported by an ESRC Impact Acceleration  Award.

Further information and link to Traces download.

With New Eyes I See
With New Eyes I See was a collaborative research project between Jenny and yello brick funded by REACT. The project prototyped a site-specific documentary using torches, projection and RFID to trigger content. An overview of this project and its findings has been published as an open access article in International Journal of Heritage Studies.

Voices of War and Peace, http://www.voicesofwarandpeace.org/
Jenny is Co-Investigator on Birmingham University’s Voices of War and Peace project, a WW1 Engagement Centre funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. The project involves innovative collaboration between Cardiff University and a number of partner organisations on the theme of WW1, between 2014 and 2019. Allied to this project, Jenny has been working with Dr. Joanne Sayner at Newcastle University researching the poppies installation Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red as it continues to tour the UK. This work is a collaboration with the Tower of London, Historic Royal Palaces and Imperial War Museums.

Visitor-Generated Content
2012 – 2014 Co-Investigator on AHRC funded network ‘Visitor Generated Content’ with Leicester University Museums Studies Department. Project partners included the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, the Digital Engagement Network and Art of Memory.

Challenging History Network https://challenginghistorynetwork.wordpress.com/
Challenging History is an investigation into the representation of difficult and sensitive subject matters, which has resulted in a number of reports, major recommendations to the cultural sector, and partnerships in the UK and beyond, including with the Tower of London, Imperial War Museums and the Digital Learning Network. We have held a number of events and sector-facing seminars, including a hugely successful International Conference at City University (February 2012) and an innovative Philosophy Salon at the National Portrait Gallery (June 2011). In 2016 we will co-host another conference with Amgueddfa Cymru - Natinoal Museum Wales. This research deals directly with issues around representation, identity, audiences, race and gender.

2010-2012 Joint recipient of a Grundtvig Award (from European Commission) to investigate Challenging History with the Lidice Memorial, Lidice, Czech Republic and the Forum of Contemporary History, Leipzig, Germany.

The Significance of the Centenary
During 2013, The Significance of the Centenary project used a range of methodologies to explore the ways in which ‘the Centenary’ is given meaning. This included a discourse and content analysis of documents/news pertaining to the preparations for the Centenary of WW1 in 2014. The project was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and was a partnership with Birmingham University, Sheffield University, the Tower of London, Cultural Learning Alliance and the National Library of Wales.

Silence, Memory and Empathy Network
2012 – 2014: Jenny was Co-Investigator on the AHRC funded network Silence, Memory and Empathy in Museums and at Historic Sites with the University of Birmingham. UK Project partners included: Buckfast Abbey, Historic Royal Palaces, the Cultural Learning Alliance,Imperial War Museums, National Maritime Museum, Oriel High School, the Hitchin Museum, National Museums Northern Ireland, Royal Armouries Leeds, The Highlanders Museum, Birmingham University and Cardiff University.

Performance, Learning and Heritage http://www.plh.manchester.ac.uk/
The Performance, Learning and Heritage research project was an investigation into the uses and impact of performance as a medium of learning and interpretation in museums and at historic sites. Funded by a major research grant from the Arts & Humanities Research Council, the project ran for three and a half years from 2005 to 2008. Jenny was the Research Associate on the project.

PLH involved four major case studies working with the National Maritime Museum, London, Llancaiach Fawr Manor, Nelson, S.Wales, Triangle Theatre Company, Coventry and the Manchester Museum.

City of London Festival audience research
In 2009 Jenny was commissioned as a consultant (funded by Knowledge Connect) to work with the City of London Festival team on an extensive audience study. Jenny has also been a researcher and consultant for the Manchester Museum.


Current PhD supervisions include: ‘the co-production of heritage’, ‘the launch of the V&A Shekou Museum in China’, and ‘the packaging of surf’. I have been external examiner on four PhDs and internal examiner on a further five. I have supervised two PhDs to completion.

I am interested in superising PhD students in the areas of:

Digital heritage

Digital humanities

Immersive media

Museums/heritage studies

Participatory media

Past projects